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Funeral Home Jonesboro Ar

Faith Funeral Service LLC is based in Manila AR, providing quality funeral home arrangements in Jonesboro, Paragould, Traumann AR at affordable rate.

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Funeral Home Jonesboro Ar

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  1. www.faithfuneralservice.net FAITHFUNERAL SERVICE Quality Funeral At An AffordableCost!

  2. INTRODUCTION Faith Funeral Service, LLC is a privately heldcompanyfoundedin2006withthe intentionofprovidingqualityfuneralsat about half the price of the national average. Weareverycommittedtothewell-beingofthefamiliesweserveandtothepreservationof theintegrityofChristianvalues,whileprovidingprofessionalism,personalattention,dignity, andrespectatthelowestpossibleprice. faithfuneralservice@live.com (870)776-7336|(870)561-1197

  3. OURSERVICES CREMATION CEMETERYINFORMATION ENDOFLIFEDIRECTIVES faithfuneralservice@live.com (870)776-7336|(870)561-1197

  4. CREMATION Direct Cremation is when you are cremated with no viewing, no visitation, and no funeral service beforehand. At the time of death we will pick up the body and take it to the crematory where proper care is taken of the deceased until the cremation process can take place.After the cremation process, the cremains (which are the ashes) will come back in a sealed plastic bag inside a temporary hard plastic container, that can be picked up at our funeralhome. faithfuneralservice@live.com (870)776-7336|(870)561-1197

  5. CEMETERY INFORMATION ThingstoconsiderwhenchoosingaCemetery: How much does the gravecost? Does the cemetery require an outercontainer? Howmuchdoesitcostfortheopening/closingofthe grave? Thesecostmaybefrom$50toover$1000. If you are an honorably discharged veteran, you can be buriedina veteranscemeteryatnocosttoyouandyour outer container/vault is provided along with your grave marker. Your spouse and dependent children may also qualifytobeburiedtherefor a smallfee. Whattypeofgravemarkersdoesthecemeteryallow? faithfuneralservice@live.com (870)776-7336|(870)561-1197

  6. END OF LIFEDIRECTIVES PREARRANGEMENT WHY PREARRANGE YOUR FUNERAL? You can have your funeral the way you wantit. You decide if you want a traditional funeral, cremation, or acombination. You give your family peace of mind knowing you have taken care of everything. They don't have to guess what you want-you have toldthem. If you choose to make financial arrangements, you can also freeze the cost of the funeral. We are not thinking rationally and should not be making large financial decisions. faithfuneralservice@live.com(870)776-7336|(870)561-1197

  7. ContactUs Faith FuneralServiceLLC. 2658 W State Highway18 Manila, AR72442 Phone: (870)561-1197 Mobile: (870)776-7336 faithfuneralservice@live.com www.faithfuneralservice.net

  8. ThankYou www.faithfuneralservice.net

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