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WELCOME. Shri Shailendar Mendiratta, IAS Election Observer Puducherry Contact No. : 094884 83883. ELECTION PLAN GELS – 2009 YANAM REGION. INTRODUCTION. 1. UT of Puducherry has One Lok Sabha seat One Rajya Sabha seat Thirty member Territorial Assembly excluding
Shri Shailendar Mendiratta, IAS Election Observer Puducherry Contact No. : 094884 83883
1. UT of Puducherry has • One Lok Sabha seat • One Rajya Sabha seat • Thirty member Territorial Assembly excluding three nominated members. (d) No Legislative Council. • Five Municipalities and Ten Commune Panchayats. 2. The member of Lok Sabha, the thirty members to the Territorial Assembly, Chairpersons of Municipalities and Councilors to Municipalities and Commune Panchayats are directly elected through adult franchise. 3. The member of Rajya Sabha is elected by the Electoral College Consisting of thirty elected members and three nominated members of Territorial Assembly.
4. The councilors of Commune Panchayats in turn elect their chairperson . • 5. The members of the Territorial Assembly, the member of the Lok Sabha and the member of the Rajya Sabha participate in the election to the office of the President of India. • 6. The member of the Lok Sabha and the member of the Rajya Sabha participate in the election to the office of The Vice-President of India.
YANAM REGION • Comprises of 30 Yanam Assembly Constituency and it is a part of 01- Puducherry Parliamentary Constituency. • Yanam region has one member in the Territorial Assembly. • It is part of Puducherry Lok Sabha Constituency. • It has One Municipality consisting of ten wards.
ELECTION SUMMARY • 1. The Electors in Yanam region have voted in • General Election to Lok Sabha 13 times in 1967, • 1971, 1977, 1980, 1984, 1985, 1989, 1991, 1992, • 1996, 1998, 1999 and 2004. • 2. Similarly, they have voted in General Elections to • Territorial Assembly 12 times in 1964, 1969,1974, • 1977, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006. • 3. They have voted in bye election to 30 Yanam • Assembly Constituency once in September’2000. • 4. For the first time, they voted in the local body • elections i.e in the year June’2006.
Highlights of Previous Elections 1. In 1964, Sri Kamichetty Sri Parasurama vara prasada Rao Naidu was elected unanimously as M.L.A. 2. The least percentage of voting in Assembly Elections is 83.39% in 1991 and Highest percentage of voting is 96.44% in 2006. 3. Normally, there is a straight contest between two candidates. However, the third candidate secured 8.48%, 17.94% and 27.42% in years 1980, 1985 and 1990 respectively. 4. In 1977, Sri Kamichetty Sri Parasurama vara prasada Rao Naidu won by a margin of 66 votes against M.A.K. Zeelani. (Least Margin)
In 1990, the difference of votes between second and third Candidates is 72 votes only. • 6. In 2006, Sri Malladi Krishna Rao won against Sri Raksha Harikrishna by a margin of 6306 votes. (Highest margin). Sri Malladi Krishna Rao secured 11763 votes and Sri Raksha Harikrishna secured 5457 votes. The winning candidate has secured more than the double the votes secured by the first running candidate. • In 2006, there were 11 candidates (Highest) and in 1969, there were only 2 candidates (Lowest). • 8. There was no female candidate in 1964, 1969, 1977, 1980, 1985, 1990 and 1991. There was single female candidate in 1974, 1996 and 2006 and there were two female candidates in 2001. The maximum number of votes were secured by female candidate is 61 by Smt. C.S. Jayalakshmi in 1974. • 9. The minimum number of votes were secured by any candidate is 6 by Shri Malladi Krishnarao in 1991.
Thiru S.KUMARASWAMY, I.A.S CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, PUDUCHERRY Off : 91-413-2334143, 2233307 Res : 91-413-2272855 E-Mail: ceo_pondicherry@eci.gov.in Fax : 91-413-2337500
Photo Thiru. G. RAGESH CHANDRA DISTRICT ELECTION OFFICER, PUDUCHERRY DISTRICT, PUDUCHERRY Off : 91-413-2231200, 2231201 Res : 91-413-2250500 E-Mail: deo_pondicherry@eci.gov.in Fax : 91-413-2248759
Thiru P.T. RUDRA GOWDA Joint Chief Electoral Officer Off : 91-413-2292204, 2292206 Res : 91-413-2275153 E-Mail: jceo_pondicherry@eci.gov.in Fax : 91-413-2337500 Photo Thiru Y.L.N. REDDY Regional Administrator, Yanam Off : 91-884-2321223 Res : 91-884-2321243 E-Mail : ra.yanam@nic.in Fax : 91-884-2321843 Photo
For Loksabha and Assembly Constituencies Thiru Y.LAKSHMINARAYANA REDDY REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR, YANAM Off : 91-884-2321223 Res : 91-884-2321243 E-Mail : ra.yanam@nic.in Fax : 91-884-2321843 Mobile : 9440204797 Thiru B.NIRANJANARAO, Deputy Tashildar(Revenue) Sub Taluk Office, Yanam. Off : 91-884-2321223 Res : 91-884-2321243 E-Mail : ra.yanam@nic.in Fax : 91-884-2321843 Mobile : 9440127982 ERO AERO
For Local Bodies Thiru Y.LAKSHMINARAYANA REDDY REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR, YANAM Off : 91-884-2321223 Res : 91-884-2321243 E-Mail : ra.yanam@nic.in Fax : 91-884-2321843 Mobile : 9440204797 Thiru N. APPA RAO, Commissioner Yanam Municipality. Off : 91-884-2321268 Res : 91-884-2321035 E-Mail : Fax : 91-884-2321843 Mobile : 9440610358 ERO AERO
For Lok Sabha Elections • Thiru. G. RAGESH CHANDRA • DISTRICT ELECTION OFFICER, PUDUCHERRY DISTRICT, • Off : 91-413-2231200, 2231201 • Res : 91-413-2250500 • E-Mail : deo_pondicherry@eci.gov.in • Fax : 91-413-2248759 • Thiru Y.LAKSHMINARAYANA REDDY • REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR, YANAM • Off : 91-884-2321223 • Res : 91-884-2321243 • E-Mail : ra.yanam@nic.in • Fax : 91-884-2321843 • Mobile : 9440204797 RO ARO
For Assembly Elections and local bodies • Thiru Y.LAKSHMINARAYANA REDDY • REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR, YANAM • Off : 91-884-2321223 • Res : 91-884-2321243 • E-Mail : ra.yanam@nic.in • Fax : 91-884-2321843 • Mobile : 9440204797 • Thiru N. APPA RAO, Commissioner • Yanam Municipality. • Off : 91-884-2321268 • Res : 91-884-2321035 • E-Mail : ra.yanam@nic.in • Fax : 91-884-2321843 • Mobile :9440610358 RO ARO
Sh. M.S.Sai Kumar AIADMK Sh. M.A.Sirajuddin Congress Sh.Tajuddin Basha DMK Photo Photo Sh.T. Venkata Rao CPI(M) Sh. M.Subbarao BJP Sh. D. Chakravarthi CPI
Shri Malladi Krishna Rao – Hon’ble Minister for Revenue, Excise, Tourism, LAD and Civil Aviation , Govt of Puducherry Shri Pendem Surya Prakash – the Vice Chiarman of the Yanam Municipality Shri Gidla Chandra Rao – Chiarman of the Yanam Municipality
Sh. M.Subba Rao Guirempeta Ward-05 Sh. R. Anjaneyulu Pydikondala St Ward-7 Smt Ch. Venkata Lakshmi – Ambedkar Nagar – Ward-02 Sh. P. Hari Babu Agraharm Ward -09 Sh. K. Mukunda Kumar Vishnalayam St. Ward -03 YANAM MUNCIPAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Sh K. Sathi Raju Kanakalapeta – Ward-10 Smt Ch. Naga Lakshmi Pedapudi St. Ward-08 Smt S. Padmavathi Farampeta – Ward-06 Smt G.Parimala Devi Pillaraya St. Ward-04
Sh. M.A.Sirajuddin Congress Sh.Tajuddin Basha DMK Sh. M.S.Sai Kumar AIADMK Photo Photo Sh.T. Venkata Rao CPI(M) Sh. M.Subbarao BJP Sh. D. Chakravarthi CPI
1. The Electoral Roll consists of a) Mother roll published on 10.11.2008. b) Supplement 1 published on 10.01.2009. c) Supplement 2 published on 27.04.2009. The roll is prepared with respect to 01.01.2009 as the qualifying date. The additions/deletions/modifications carried in supplement 1 have been reflected in the mother roll through computer generated print. The additions/deletions/modifications carried during continuous updation i.e. supplement 2 are carried in mother roll and supplement 1 manually through hand writing. 5. Entries relating to election duty certificate is carried out in all the working copies.
6. The working copies are made ready for use as below. • Polling party - 4 sets • Sector Officer - 1 set • Asst. Returning Officer - 1 set • Returning Officer - 1 set • District Election Officer - 1 set • Observer - 1 set • 7. Details of the electoral roll: • Number of voters : 27151 • Male : 12973 • Female : 14178 • Number of parts : 30 • Number of classified service voter : 1 • 8. Part wise electorate : (Click Here) • 9. Partwise Areas covered : ( Click Here) • Preparation of the marked copy photos : (Click Here)
1. There are 50 control units and 80 balloting units in Yanam region. 2. For the present election, 31 control units and 62 balloting units are required. 3. First level checking was carried out by authorized engineers of ECIL on 04.03.2009. (Photos) 4. Zero randomization and first randomization are not applicable as there is only one assembly constituency in Yanam region. 5. 2nd randomization (Click Here) and Preparation of EVMs ( Click Here) was carried out on 6/5/2009. 6. Control unit data base. (Click Here) 7. Ballot unit data base. (Click Here) 8. EVMs allotted to polling stations : 31-CU & 62-BU (Click Here) 9. Reserve EVMs :3-CU & 6-BU (Click Here) 10. EVMs used for training : 3-CU & 3-BU (Click Here)
1. There are 31 polling stations including 1 auxiliary polling station for part no. 30/23A. ( Click Here) 2. All the polling stations have pucca buildings as follows. a) Government schools : 18 b) Government buildings : 4 c) Community halls of Yanam Municipality : 8 d) Municipal Kalyana Mandapam : 1 3. Three number of premises have two polling stations. 4. All the polling stations have adequate facilities such as one entry door, one exit door, proper windows, sufficient lighting, fans, water and toilet facilities etc. 5. Works such as barricading, shamianas, mobile toilet facilities, water facilities will be carried out on 10.05.2009 and 11.05.2009.
1. All the 31 polling stations have been segregated into 8 sectors. 2. Sector route maps • Sector 1 • Sector 2 • Sector 3 • Sector 4 • Sector 5 • Sector 6 • Sector 7 • Sector 8
ARO ( Click Here) • Zonal Officers/In charges (Click Here) • EVM management 1. N.Appa Rao, Commissioner, Yanam Municipality, Yanam. 2. M.T.Ramalingeswara Rao, JE, Yanam Municipality, Yanam. 3. B.Kumar, Assistant, O/o Delegate to DSE, Yanam. 4. P.Narendra Kumar, UDC, Commercial Taxes Dept., Yanam. 5. S.M.Rambabu, Peon, DAT, Yanam. • Electoral roll management 1. D.Gonteyya, SI, Fisheries Department Yanam. 2. M.A.Razaq, Junior Inspector, Cooperative Department, Yanam. 3. P.Srinivasa Rao, UDC, O/o Jt. BDO, Yanam. 4. S.Venkata Rao, Field Inspector, PADCO, Yanam. 5. B.Nagendra, Bill Collector, Yanam Municipality, Yanam.
Polling station management • 1. V.Lakshmanacharyulu, Dy. Director, Agriculture Department, • 2. P.Omnamassivayam, Assistant, Electricity Department, Yanam. • 3. M.Venkateswarlu, Assistant, Agriculture Department, Yanam. • 4. J.Satti Babu, Inspector of Licensed Premises, YMC,Yanam • 5. M.Srinivasa Rao, Peon, DIC, Yanam. • Control Room • 1. A.V.Krishna Rao, Assistant, DAT, Yanam • 2. G.Venkateswara Rao, Assistant, Govt. ITI, Yanam • 3. P.Suryanarayana, Assistant, PWD,Yanam • 4. K.Ramakrishna, UDC,Dr.S.R.K.G.A.College, Yanam • 5. K.S.Suryanarayana, UDC, DCTO,Yanam • Media Centre • 1. Animilli Satyanarayana, RA Office, Yanam • Communication Team • 1. S.Madhusudhana Rao, DIO, NIC, Yanam • 2. B.S.Chandra Sekhar, DIA, NIC,Yanam
9. Sector Officer and Asst. Sector Officer (Click Here) 10.Presiding Officer (Click Here) 11.Asst. Presiding Officer-cum-Polling Officer 1 (Click Here) 12.Polling Officer 2 (Click Here) 13.Polling Officer 3 (Click Here) 14. Attached Group D (Click Here) 15. Booth Level Officers (Click Here) 16. Sector teams:- Sector 1Sector 2Sector 3Sector 4 Sector 5Sector 6Sector 7Sector 8
The first level of checking of EVM was done on 4/3/2009 in the presence of the authorised engineer of ECIL. ( Click Here). • 2. Meetings with recognised political parties were conducted on 11/2/2009, 5/3/2009, 18/3/2009, 20/3/2009 and 21/4/2009 to brief about the following issues. (photos) • a) Appointment of Booth Level Agencies • b) Verification of the roll in the presence of the BLAs and • BLOs • c) Model code of conduct • d) Restrictions regarding printing and publication • e) Use of vehicles for election campaign • f) Holding of public meetings, rallies and campaigns
3. Standing Committee with representatives from political parties was constituted to oversee the enforcement of model code of conduct. 4.Power Point Presentation regarding EVM and demonstration of the functioning of EVM was done to the representatives of the political parties. (Photos) 5. Adequate Election briefings were given to team incharges, zonal officers, sector officers, assistant sector officers, presiding officers, assistant presiding officers, polling officers and booth level officers on various dates. (photos) 6.Training was imparted to the incharges regarding checking and preparation of EVMs, conduct of elections, prepoll arrangements, post poll arrangements and counting arrangements on various dates. 7.All the sector officers and assistant sector officers were given training twice by District Election Officer on 7/4/2009 and 8/4/2009 at Puducherry.