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Established in 1985, Parker Dann is a professional practice of Chartered Town Planning Consultants based in Lewes, East Sussex. <br><br>We prepare and submit planning applications and planning appeals for a variety of development and construction projects and advise a wide range of clients throughout London and the South East of England.
Projects • Take a look at some of the various planning projects we have overseen, ranging from agricultural and home development, through to residential and commercial projects and more. • If you have any queries about your own project then please take a look at our FAQ page. • If you have any other questions about planning advice, planning applications, planning regulations, planning laws, planning consent, planning objections, retrospective planning permission, planning appeals, or any other issue related to planning permission, please feel free to email us or call us on 01273 478 654.
Projects - Residential Chichester Canal Basin Redevelopment of Office Buildings for Residential Development Chichester Canal Basin, Chichester, West Sussex Parker Dann was instructed by Geoffrey Osborne Ltd to assist it with its proposals for the development of 86 residential units and a new headquarters for the Chichester Canal Trust at the Chichester Canal Basin site, Stockbridge Road, Chichester, West Sussex. The specific advice provided included pre- application negotiations with the local planning authority, Chichester District Council, addressing relevant planning policy as part of the planning application and negotiating the Section 106 legal agreement attached to the planning permission.
Projects - Residential Land at London Road, Bolney, West Sussex Parker Dann secured planning permission for the development of land outside the defined built-up area boundary of the settlement of Bolney for residential development. The case for the development of the land was based on the local planning authority’s inability to demonstrate a five year housing land supply and the suitability of the settlement to accommodate additional residential development. Parker Dann advised on the preparation of the proposals, guiding the design development, liaising with statutory consultees, preparing supporting documents for the planning application and handling the entire application process up to its determination. The application was refused planning permission by the authority’s Planning Committee against the Planning Officer’s recommendation and Parker Dann was then instructed to handle the successful appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. Planning permission for an additional dwelling on the land was then secured through a second successful appeal.
Projects - Commercial Fonteyn House, Reigate, Surrey Parker Dann obtained planning permission for a major extension to Fonteyn House in Reigate town centre together with significant remodelling works to the exterior to support its use as the new headquarters for Osborne. Initial advice was provided during the company’s search for new premises that identified the planning policy issues that needed to be addressed to enable the development to proceed. Pre-application discussions were then arranged with Reigate and Banstead Borough Council’s Planning Department to progress the proposals during their design development and to ensure all the authority’s issues were addressed. Parker Dann co-ordinated the preparation and submission of the planning application with its various supporting statements and documents. The case for the grant of planning permission was accepted by the Council along with an explanation as to why financial contributions towards local transport infrastructure should not be required as part of the development. Following the grant of planning permission, Parker Dann co-ordinated the discharge of relevant pre- commencement planning conditions and minor amendments to the consent in accordance with the tight build programme that the client required.
Projects - Commercial Harwood Road, London, SW6 Mixed Use Development Within a Conservation Area Parker Dann obtained planning permission for the change of use of 115-117 Harwood Road, Fulham to a mixed use which included upper floor residential and ground floor commercial uses for this prominent site within a conservation area. Parker Dann was also successful in winning an appeal to create a new upper floor between the properties thereby extending the amount of residential floor space available.
Projects - Agricultural Rathfinny Wine Estate, nr. Alfriston, East Sussex Parker Dann has been instructed as the planning consultant to the Rathfinny Estate as part of its high profile project to create a 160 hectare vineyard within the South Downs National Park. The project required extensive pre-application negotiations with the South Downs National Park Authority, the negotiation of a Planning Performance Agreement with the Authority and assembling a team of consultants to support the delivery of the required planning permissions.
Projects - Agricultural Oaklands Farm, Wineham, West Sussex New Thoroughbred Racehorse Stud Farm Parker Dann secured planning permission for the establishment of a quality breeding and schooling stud for thoroughbred racehorses with stabling and ancillary buildings at the 68 acre Oaklands Farm in Wineham, west of Burgess Hill. The total new build floorspace of the development was over 1,300 sq m and was designed to respect the setting of the Grade II listed farmhouse.
Projects - Home Development Priory Farmhouse, Wilmington, East Sussex In 2013 Parker Dann secured planning consent for the demolition of an existing dwelling in the foothills of the Long Man of Wilmington in the South Downs National Park with a replacement dwelling of far superior design. Working closely with Bath based Architects Simon Morray-Jones who prepared the plans, the proposal required sensitive negotiations with Senior Planning and Design Officers at the newly formed South Downs National Park Authority in order to achieve a successful result. Parker Dann has subsequently been instructed to submit planning applications for a variety of other ancillary works at the site including a ground source heat system all of which have now been approved.
Projects - Renewable Energy Oving Solar Farm, West Sussex Parker Dann assisted with the planning application for the development of the 5 MWp Oving Solar Farm on 18 hectares of farmland near Chichester in West Sussex. Our support included initial advice on the development potential of the land, the appointment of consultants to assist with the project and review of feedback received from them. Parker Dann also secured the Screening Opinion from the local planning authority – Chichester District Council – that confirmed that an Environmental Impact Assessment was not required for the planning application and produced supporting statements addressing relevant planning policy. We also assisted with the discharge of conditions attached to the planning permission and secured subsequent approval from the Council for the grid connection for the solar farm.
Projects - Education Roedean School, near Brighton Roedean School is located within the South Downs National Park. A number of the buildings within the campus are listed with others curtilage listed. Parker Dann has assisted the School with the development of a masterplan for future expansion and change within the campus to meet its current and future requirements. In addition, we have assisted the School with successful applications for listed building consent for internal and external changes to a number of the listed buildings as part of the modernisation of the facilities. We have also secured planning permission for new sports pitches and tennis courts and various ancillary facilities. This has required pre- application consultation with the National Park Authority’s Planning Officers and preparation of necessary supporting information to support each application. It has also required the co-ordination of input from architects, historic buildings consultants and landscape architects.
Projects - Education Jubilee Building, University of Sussex Parker Dann assisted the University of Sussex with this important development project for a key site within its campus which adjoins the South Downs National Park and contains a number of important post-war listed buildings. The new building, consisting of over 8,000 sq m of new floorspace, a 500 seat lecture theatre and a new landscaped courtyard replaced buildings of limited design quality which were expensive to maintain and no longer fit for purpose. The proposal was developed in close consultation with Planning Officers from Brighton and Hove City Council and other statutory consultees in order that all the key issues were properly addressed in the design and the planning application submission. Parker Dann acted as agents for the planning application and coordinated the preparation and submission of a range of supporting documents for it from the design team for the project. The City Council’s Planning Committee resolved to grant permission for the development within 11 weeks of the submission of the application.
Projects - Historic Environment Moses Farm, nr.Piltdown, East Sussex Listed Building Enforcement Case Parker Dann was called in by Lewes Solicitors Adams & Remers to assist their clients in discharging conditions and resolving unauthorised development at Moses Farm; a listed building complex. Wealden District Council determined to take enforcement action against our clients. Where listed buildings are concerned enforcement action can lead to criminal prosecution, so Parker Dann had to act very quickly to resolve these alleged unauthorised matters as a matter of urgency. Following protracted negotiations with both the Council's Planning Officers and Design and Conservation Officers, revised Listed Building applications were submitted in December 2006, along with amended plans for the Grade II Listed Barn. Wealden District Council issued fresh Listed Building consents discharging all previous conditions for both The Barn and the curtilage listed Oast, as well as approving the amended plans for the The Barn in the spring of 2007.