Personal Loans Can Improve Your Credit Score Personal loans can be considered a great option for your financial emergencies. They considerably contribute towards improving your credit score. Borrowing a personal loan to repay your old debts greatly improves your payment history, ultimately improving credit score. Timely repayment of your personal loan will be a good addition to your credit history and will improve your credit score. Taking a personal loan for credit building will require making payments until a longer tenure. This helps in creating a longer credit history. By paying your monthly installments, your score will be improved which will make you eligible for various types of loans in the future. When taking the loan to repair your credit score, contact professional loan officers to decide suitable loan amount and tenure. First National Bank Texas/First Convenience Bank 3509 E Race Avenue Searcy, AR 72143 133 Arkansas Blvd. Texarkana, AR 71854 1815 E. Highland Drive Jonesboro, AR 72401 2875 W. Martin Luther King Fayetteville, AR 72704 304 S. Rockwood Drive Cabot, AR 72023 www.1stnb.com Images Source: Designed by Freepik All loans and collateral subject to approval First National Bank Texas | NMLS #402924 | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender