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Electronic Air Filter Cleaning - Foooit.com

Air filters serve a good purpose by filtering the contaminated air and bringing to us the nearly pure air that is good for our health. That is why we need to stress more and more on regular electronic air filter cleaning.<br>For More Information:<br>http://www.foooit.com<br>info@foooit.com<br>91-9717912888<br>

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Electronic Air Filter Cleaning - Foooit.com

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dust RemovalEquipment Electronic Air Filter Cleaning Cleaning Computer Monitor Screen Dust Remover Spray Can

  2. The Importance of Electronic Air Filter Cleaning Air filters serve a good purpose by filtering the contaminated air and bringing to us the nearly pure air that is good for our health. That is why we need to stress more and more on regular electronic air filter cleaning. Do you know that if the air filters at your homes and offices are dirty and covered with thick layer of dust, it reduces the air flow by up to 15% depending upon how dusty they are. This, in turn, increases the energy usage or in other words, the power consumption increases. The room will take more time to heat or cool the room depending on the season in which the air conditioners are being used whether as compressors or as coolers.

  3. Every air conditioner has an air filter and a coil that circulates the air inside the system. If the filter is dusty, it will further divert all the dust over the air coil, which will then circulate the contaminated air into the whole environment. Whether you are at home or office, health will be affected in any case. At your workplace, there are employees of every age group that includes even people above 50s or 60s who may suffer asthma attack or other bronchitis related problems like choked throat. At home, you have adults as well as your kids whose health is most likely to suffer due to breathing problems. Your children may suffer from chronic and acute breathing problems, chest disorders, or even prolonged coughing. Further, due to air blockage inside the filters, the ventilation system may not work properly, which will further lower the performance of the air conditioning system. At this point of time, we need a routine maintenance of Electronic Air Filter Cleaning.

  4. Air dust spray for electronic air filter cleaning Foooit.com is a place where you will find a reliable air dust spray product that can fooo away the dust effectively from the areas where it is hard to reach, not easy to clean with the help of normal cleaning aids, and works best for all the electronic devices. Cleaning the electronic devices including air conditioners on frequent basis becomes mandatory else it’ll attract lots of pollutants. Using the air spray dust, yourself at home or office requires no technical expertise and also avoids the unnecessary charges by the servicing guy. Not only this saves your time but also there are higher chances of your electronic devices getting permanently damaged or may result in equipment malfunction. The dirt inside the electronic devices can harm the components inside it and damage the motor or inherit in normal functioning of the fan. Spraying the compressed air dust is an efficient alternative for Electronic Air Filter Cleaning. This method of cleaning wipes off the dust properly from the devices and the components but there are certain cleaning instructions to be followed. There should be a proper distance between your eye and the area to be cleaned and the product should not be stored under direct sunlight.

  5. Visit foooit.com to learn more about the product and about electronic air filter cleaning. Foooit.com brings for you electronic air filter cleaning spray in the form of compressed air contained in an 8 oz bottle that fooos away the dust effectively and keeps your electronic devices in good working condition.

  6. Contact us: TarikaImpexPvt. Ltd. 12/2 Second Floor, Old Sher Shah Suri Road Mannat Arcade, Sector 36 Faridabad, Haryana, INDIA- 121003 http://www.foooit.com info@foooit.com 91-129-4171000 91-9717912888

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