

given them and believe that the all natural gives them the freedom to be who they are, disclosing a take me as I am attitude. " All these topics were picked by random. I did not have pnor knowledge of their perspectives on Social Nudism. Some of the topics were acquaintances, while others were entire strangers. It's worthy to notice that some folks declined to be interviewed completely. My interviews disclosed that none of my subjects objected to the Naturist lifestyle. All agreed that social nudism should be confined to designated areas such as nude beaches, resorts, and private homes. They also stressed that signs should be posted, for the advantage of kids and non-nudists, advising the people that some beaches are Clothes optional. I found that my male subjects were more receptive to this issue of social nudism afterward my female issues. Some of the guys declared, that although wouldn't be interested in the naturist lifestyle, they wouldn't have any hang ups about going bare in designated bare Surroundings. All of my male subjects had been exposed to nudism in a societal environment, such as nude beaches or resorts, at one time or another during the course of their lives. Also, some of my male subjects readily acknowledged that they now participate in social nudism. My female issues had less to say about the topic of social nudism. All of my Themes agreed that everyone should have the liberty to express themselves and that social nudism is alright if confined to designated places for example beaches and resorts. Unlike my male Issues, not all of the women had experienced social nudism. Interestingly to note is that none of the females would ever contemplate engaging in this sort of lifestyle, and all of them stated that it was because of the uncomfortable feelings about their own bodies. Yet, this didn't surprise me because as my research has implied, the number one hindrance for Girls participating in social nudism is poor body image. In an attempt to get modern views on social nudism I found my resources to be quite limited. By interviewing several folks I was able to attain a better comprehension of present day outlooks towards social nudism. In my studies, I find that the topic of social nudism creates many perspectives and Views. This became evident to me early on, when discussing the topic of social nudism, with friends, relatives, and coworkers, as some were quite open minded about the Matter, revealing little reaction, while others were very standoffish, showing great signs of Humiliation. I afterwards discovered the folks who were apparently more accepting of this lifestyle had some fundamental knowledge pertaining to the culture, and that some had traveled to Europe, seeing the clothing optional beaches. The people showing disfavor towards social nudism admitted that they actually didn't know much about the lifestyle, and could not give me an explanation as to why they feel as they do, leading me to believe that their viewpoints towards nudism are being based on preconceived ideas formed earlier in their youth. Although there are several elements affecting social nudism, one cannot assume that these components are only responsible for each people views. During the course of our lives we encounter many people and experiences which contnbute to our comprehension in life thus altering our old beliefs from youth. Often times, our first religious teachings contributes to our attitudes regarding nudism and the nude human body, referring to the "fall" of Adam and Eve, whereby sin, guilt, and shame, were first cast upon humans. Being Catholic, I can say that I have had my share of experiences seeing, sin, guilt, and shame. I am able to remember, throughout my childhood and adolescent years, going to confession every week in an attempt to free my conscience from guilt and what I believed at the time were sins. Since that time, thank goodness, I learned that I'm not a bad person and 56 can really laugh about some of my motives feeling the need to concede. Nevertheless, about the naked human body still exist now as a result of some religious teachings. As an example, in most faiths, premarital sex still carries the stigma of being "incorrect, and Filthy" resulting in shame and remorse for many individuals deciding to cross over borders by Participating in the action. The message being communicated here is that nudity and sex go hand and hand, and is something to be embarrassed of, while discounting the positive emotional and spiritual bonds so many couples base their relationships on. Most novices to nudism have experienced the same shameful effects that religion has cast upon a vast bulk of us. However, by researching the issue of social nudism a number of people find they develop healthier mental attitudes through the teachings of others, and slowly beat their negative feelings about nudity. My observations and personal experiences with social nudism have surely


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