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The EBN Network a community sharing values, goals & brands

“ Smart & specialized strategies and delivery mechanism: the innovative entrepreneurs perspective ” Philippe VANRIE, CEO of EBN Regions for Economic Change Conference Brussels, 23 June 2011. The EBN Network a community sharing values, goals & brands.

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The EBN Network a community sharing values, goals & brands

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  1. “Smart & specialized strategies and delivery mechanism: the innovative entrepreneurs perspective”Philippe VANRIE, CEO of EBNRegions for Economic Change Conference Brussels, 23 June 2011

  2. The EBN Networka community sharing values, goals & brands • The European Network of BICs, incubators, innovation and entrepreneurship & start-up Centres >>> « Innovation-based incubators » >>> Business & Innovation Centres (BICs) • An organised Network of 200+ Business & Innovation Support Centres covering most regions of EU 27 + neighbouring as well as partnering countries • An initiative taken 26 years ago by the EC (DG Regio), public authorities, industry leaders, and Universities >>> A pioneer in PPP, a connector between knowledge and business • A dynamic cluster of clusters with 25.000+ entrepreneurs within the active portfolio >> > with VillageTronic, Exilica, Vivalis, Lipotec, Codasystem, Semiotix, Biofly, BioAzul, Kandor Graphics, LeicaGeosystems, Jamendo, Weecast, etc inside • A community of qualified & committed intermediaries, with St-John Innovation Centre, Cap Alpha, Innostart, Promotech, Innotek,, Solvay Entrepreneurs, Technoport, Innovatum, Barcelona Activa, inside !

  3. Let’s talk about

  4. Networking, a seriousgame

  5. Networking butwhy Networking ?relationshipwithentrepreneurship ? • Learning : knowledge, know-how, tools • FindingModels: business, role, leadership, admiration • Beinginspired by method & benchmarks • Beingproud of exposingrobustresults & impact • Sharing efforts: work, investment, risk, reward • Help takingdecisions: right or wrong • Sharing values: ethics, integrity, reputation • BV social-club: trust, affectivity, emotion, • Exploring the world: trends, idea & opportunityspotting • Teaming-up talents: teams, corecompetences, collaborative management, know-who & outsourcing • Enhancing ICT skills: connected, pervasive • Making business & money: of course !

  6. Total Services Culture

  7. The language of Entrepreneurs do youspeakentrepreneurship ?A services-orientedlanguage ! « leadership, collaborative, open-minded, multi-disciplined, teaming, unique individuals, BD lovers, passion, work, rigor, conviction, talents, emotion, challenge-driven, customer-oriented, curiosity, courage, audace, tenacity, fighting spirit, solutions-driven, vision, risk, social engagement, adaptability, agility, mobility, ethics, integrity, simplicity, sense, communicator, focus, conscience, substance, excellence, invasive, pervasive, inclusive, visual, research, knowledge, duration, compliant but not too much, solidarity, exchanges, sharing, nomad, IT-addict, cash-fan, investment-ready, fast networker »…What else Georges?

  8. Incubation, a serious mission

  9. BICs’ core business/competences a standards for Innovation-based Incubators By the way, let’s focus !!! • incubator of new business ideas/models • creator of new innovative start-ups • generator of spin-offs • developer of innovative SME projects • accelerator of growth • animator of clusters • proximity connector local/global • multiplierof public policy • networking hub to experts, agents, players, investors… • Opportunity spotter, « hands-on » business developper • Coach & mentor, strategic advisor

  10. …in search of …the Perfect BIC/Incubator/entrepreneurs’ support centre ...powered by dream teams, guided by visionaries, endorsed by leading stakeholders, totally credible to the private sector, mandated by the public sector, sustainable and politically independent, making impact on the civil society, stimulating the entrepreneurship culture, embedding innovation by all means and with all (from academic sources or not) , serving a multi sectors entrepreneurs communities, open to external partnerships, interacting with other instruments in an open & smart mode, a connectors of small businesses to the global landscape, acting as an idea-lab and development centre for growing firms, providing knowledge and creativity centres facilities, finally an interactive cross-road for people, projects, know-how, technologies, IP, Investment, researchers and entrepreneurs.

  11. “Entrepreneurship: a key-driver for territorial development and sectorial competitiveness” Entrepreneurs, doers & creative

  12. 360 degrees Innovation

  13. How does innovation works ?with sociology, psychology & realism • First of all, integrate innovation at the core of the strategy, as a pivotal & visible corporate value • Movingfrom/balancingoptimizing business to/and creating business • Develop innovation teams (with R&D of course but not only) • Stimulate participative management, a highdegree of delegation & responsibility, collaborative & team works, and employee engagement (an innovative HRM style) • It’s an « inside-out » open processinteractingwithcustomers, prospects, suppliers, partners, competitors, staff • Balance supply-pushed (new technologies) withdemand-led (based on marketrequirements) • Design systems for ideasassesment and prioritization of detected/selectedopportunities

  14. The innovators’ & entrepreneurs’ dnaDoes it require specific skills ? • Creative intelligence, not only cognitive skills • Courage to take + ability to manage risks • Courage to start + stop • Emotion + realism • Collective leadership • Customer intelligence • Opportunityspotters • KM/EI integrators • Associating skills (connecting disciplines) • Questionning skills (why, why not, what if,…) • Observing skills (observing others, being anthropologist/sociologist) • Experimenting skills (prototyping + overseas exp.) • Networking skills (going out, ideas festivals,…)

  15. darwin, schumpeter & ecosystems

  16. The business support ecosystemclear focus & easy access ! • Efficient territorial innovation ecosystemsrequire a well-characterized road-map of support services providers • Entrepreneurshipshouldbe a pivotal value & action of any territorial economicdevelopmentstrategies • Vital for individual performances and for enablingcooperationbetweenplayers • Simply vital for the emergence of competences, efficency of support, and open innovation

  17. Back2downstreamthe Apps era !The proximity with the end-usersan acute understanding of the usages The Changing Technology landscape is not only affected by disruption, but more by the rise of applications, with/without IP @ a hunger for applications, @ the emergence of niches, @ an extreme diversity in applications, @ serial “opportunity spotting”, fast movers and integrators of market intelligence, @ by customer-lead innovation routes, @ by pervasive solutions approaches >>> output: hard, soft & data downstream applications for usable products & services

  18. B2territoriesthe place-based theory, the proximity factor • Serious Gaming at Coventry (entrepreneurial) University • Birmingham (real SMEs) Photonics Clusters • Chem2biz basf spin-off incubator in Ludwigshafen • KIS Biotherapies clustering in Nantes • Knowledge Dock regeneration in the Docklands • Creative computer graphics in Darmstadt • Cleantech platform in Lahti • Software development centre for start-ups in Cork • SatNav Galilleo applications incubated in Liège & Lux • An IT community of 100+ start ups in Barcelona • An integrated TT-Incubation-VC-cluster animation system on micro/nano-electronics at Imec in Leuven • Creativity and design crash courses in Sunderland • Mechatronics in Haute-Savoie, Photovoltaics in Savoie, • Creative industries in Trolhattan as a response to automotive

  19. Thank you for your attention European BICs Network (EBN) Philippe VANRIE Avenue de Tervuren, 168, B-1150 Brussels Tel. +32 (0)2 772 89 00 Fax +32 (0)2 772 95 74 pva@ebn.be www.ebn.eu

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