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How you should care for your wool coats and jackets

Give 24 hour rest before the next wearing. Wool fibers will shed wrinkles and return to their original shape

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How you should care for your wool coats and jackets

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How you should care for your wool coats & jackets

  2. General Care • Give 24 hour rest before the next wearing. Wool fibers will shed wrinkles and return to their original shape • Hang woven wool garments on shaped or padded hangers • Brush and air wool clothing after wear to remove surface soil and allow clothing to relax. • Clean wool garments periodically, not frequently, to avoid premature fiber wear. Spot clean with cool water or a spot cleaning agent for stain removal.

  3. If the care instructions on your jacket mention “Dry Clean Only” follow the instructions to avoid any expensive mistakes. • if you happen to stain or soil your jacket the best advice is to rinse the spot with cool water immediately • Never wring or vigorously rub wool garments  • Prior to long-term storage, clean wool garments thoroughly. Store with fresh cedar or other suitable moth repellents that can keep your clothes smelling pleasant.

  4. Pressing • Set the iron on the wool setting.  Do not press wool totally dry.  • Always use steam when pressing wool • When it is necessary to press on the right side of the fashion fabric, use a press cloth to avoid a shine.

  5. Cleaning • For dry-cleaned only, take it to a reliable dry cleaner. Identify any spots or stains for special treatment Although wool does not absorb liquids directly, it readily absorbs moisture in vapor form When wool is soiled, it is important to remove stains promptly.  • Before deciding on a cleaning method for wool clothing, look for the care instruction label. We recommend only dry cleaning although some garments can be hand-washed and some even laundered by machine

  6. Contact Us • www.gheri.co.uk • info@gheri.co.uk • 02072675975 • Unit 842 Stables Market Camden Town London

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