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Top 5 decor plants to decorate your home and offices

Indoor plants have many benefits; they provide clean air and are also used for decoration purposes, there are a lot of varieties of decor plants available indoors. To know more about decor plants to decorate your home and offices visit: www.greenium.in

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Top 5 decor plants to decorate your home and offices

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  1. Top 5 decor plants to decorate your home and offices Indoor plants have many benefits; they provide clean air and are also used for decoration purposes. There are a lot of varieties of decor plants available indoors. Bonsai plants are trendy in decorating your home. These are the top 10 decor plants to decorate your home and office. Rubber plants The rubber plant is available in dark green and burgundy shades. The shiny leaves of rubber plants look beautiful and make them perfect decor plants. You can grow it in a little pot and also grow it as a large tree. This Hardy temperature resilient plant needs bright indirect light. Water it weekly in the summer season, and in the winter season, water it once a month. Anthurium Andraeanum This plant has dark green lush leaves and is native to Columbia. It produces beautiful pink-red and white heart-shaped flowers. These flowers can last for weeks. This plant needs bright light for blooming. Provide moist soil from spring to autumn. But in the winter season, it prefers slightly drier soil. It can grow up to 45 CM high. Use a high Phosphorus based liquid fertilizer after every two weeks in spring and summer. Maidenhair fern Maidenhair Fern makes a beautiful addition to your home and office provided you take care of it properly. The feathery light green leaves and soft, shiny stems make it suitable for hanging planters. Maidenhair is considered the Goldilocks of the plant world. They look fragile and need moderate light, not too much, not too little. They prefer a spot with a bit of humidity. Swiss cheese plant The Swiss cheese plant is one of the most popular indoor plants. The lush green leaves with distinctive holes make your space outstanding. They can grow in any space. Keep it away from direct sunlight as they prefer a warm climate. Overwatering can lead the plant to root rot so Let the topsoil dry out between watering. Overwatering can cause yellowing leaves to avoid artificial heating and cooling for better growth and provide fertilizer in spring and summer seasons. dracaena The hardy nature of this plant makes it a popular indoor plant amongst the black thumbs. This can grow between 1.2 to 1.8 meters tall. It had tall stalky stems and long green leaves with light yellow and green stripes. Indirect bright light is suitable for this plant, although it can tolerate low light. Also, If you are searching for a large plant, then dracaena is a perfect choice. This plant is toxic to dogs and cats, so keep it away from their reach. Devil's Ivy The forgiving nature of this plant is suitable for any position in the home. It is a fast-growing plant and is also known as golden pothos. These plants look not only stunning but also are low maintenance. You can place them in hanging baskets or glass vases. The leaves of the Devil are waxy and heart-shaped. There is no need for regular fertilization, and they are highly drought tolerant too. Watering once a week in summer and twice a month in winter is enough. Spring and summer are perfect for pruning and propagating the plant. Mother-in-law's tongue

  2. This plant is native to South Africa and Asia. It is also known as the snake plant. The pointed tips of the leaves symbolize the sharp tongue of the mother-in-law. This most challenging plant can grow up to two meters and is hard to kill, so if you tend to neglect their plants, it is a great option. Bromeliad This is also extended maintenance and easy to grow houseplant. These beautiful perennials need a medium to bright light. Choose a shallow pot with a fast and proper drainage system. Water it once a week during the warmer months and less during the winter season. To prevent water stagnation, flush it regularly. Bromeliad is not heavy feeders. Use a slow-release fertilizer once a season. Peace Lily It is a popular house plant due to its air-purifying qualities; the glossy dark green foliage and white flowers make it look stunning. It can grow between 45 to 65 cm. Provide bright indirect light, although these tropical plants can handle low light also. Peacefully don't like soggy or red soil and can lead to root rot so let the plants dry out between water rings. The plant is poisonous so keep it away from pets or children.

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