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<br>Growfinity Consulting is best coaching Company in Pune.<br>In 2018, when a few like-minded people came together to weave solutions that solve the problems of businesses, Growfinity Consulting became a breathing identity.<br>We target solving the pain points and frustrations that impact your business and assist you with refocusing and executing necessary strategies, tools, systems, and processes to achieve visible results.<br>Our organization runs on the principle of transparency and makes quality services its topmost priority. We are growth-seekers driven to bring positive change to the lives we touch
OUR CORE SERVICES AND PRODUCTS Growfinity Consulting-Business Coaching Company inPune After years of research, analysis, and serving our clients, Growfinity Consulting has come up with a range of services that are curated to address overall as well as specific problem areas of various business organizations- irrespective of the size, level of operation, or the position in themarket. Our services are customized to suit yourrequirements! • COACHING • Increase accountability, clarity, and focus of yourmembers. • Turn average-performing employees into efficientmembers. • Enabling your leaders to inspire and engage other teammembers
TRANING • Supporting your employees to develop softskills • Refining the capabilities of your leaders who bringresults • Upgrade your company's efficiency through internalchange • CONSULTING • Make your organization more flourishing andprofitable. • Engage and develop your employees to takeaction. • Saving your time through designing efficientsystems. • AUDIT • Improving your company's policies, methods, andsystems. • Make sure your laws are in sync with your stakeholder'sinterest • Reducing your organization's waste by connecting output withinput
COACHING Services Offered By GrowfinityConsulting If you are not taking steps to train your employees towards behavioral change, you are losing out on time, money, energy, andresources. According to research, 51% of companies with a strong coaching culture report higher revenue than their industry peer group. (Human Capital Institute) Change is necessary yet difficult to implement. So, coaching helps to direct the limited time available to organizations and members towards implementing actionable solutions that solve majorproblems. BusinessCoaching Business coaching has proved to be a sure-shot method to achieve organizational goals by increasing accountability, clarity, andfocus.
Our experts at Grwofinity Consulting offer the finest coaching services to help make a meaningful impact on the success of your organization. Our program is result-oriented and can be customized to meet your specific needs. PerformanceCoaching The performance of your employees will directly impact other vital aspects like- sales, revenue, and client retention. Our performance coaching aims at enhancing the work performance of your organization's members irrespective of level or jobtitle. ExecutiveCoaching Your leaders are the ones who will take the organization to a desirable position in the future. Their behavior and actions will impact the company the most. We help you prepare efficient leaders while laying the foundation for a healthier, happier, and more profitablecompany. CareerCoaching Employees who are not self-aware of their strengths and weaknesses will never be able to bring the desired results- individually or as ateam. Our coaches at Growfinity Consulting guide professionals to become efficient decision-takers, increase accountability, and bring desired results.
CONSULTINGServices Offered By Growfinity Consulting You cannot always rely on your internal team to churn out the suitable action plans required to optimize yourorganization. You need to avail expert help if you want to get to the root cause of problems that hamper your organization'sgrowth. Our expert team with a decade of experience understands current market demands. We plan everything from time-consuming production to budget to combining new ideas to the enactment of training to addressing regulatory requirements of thecompany.
BusinessConsulting Starting a business is not an easy task at all. You need to wear multiple hats and most of your tasks on your own - be it selling,marketing, or,managing. We at Growfinity are ready to share your load and construct a business that flourishes, improves, and sustains in the longrun. Strategic HRConsulting Every organization works on the principle that it will exist in the future. Also, when it comes to the future, we know that there is one thing that is constant, i.e, CHANGE. Sometimes, we are so engrossed in day-to-day activities that we hardly have time to becomefuture-ready. Our aim at Growfinity Consulting is to help you and your team become future-ready by unlocking the true potential of your employees, preparing them for future challenges, and refining theirskills. ProcessConsulting An inefficient system can harm even a profitable organization and make your company's growth take a U-turn. If your processes are not in place, you might struggle to thrive as abusiness. Our support team at Growfinity Consulting generates efficiency by reducing time spent in meetings, resolving conflicts, and creating systems.
TRAINING ServicesOffered By GrowfinityConsulting No matter how good your product or service is, if your employees don't have the right soft skills to complement their technical skills, you will find it difficult to expand yourbusiness. Our training services will ensure that your employees are prepared to lead the organization through skills that help them differentiate from other industry peers. Soft-SkillsTraining Are you an organization that is not aware of the power of soft skills? Problem-solving skills, communication skills, and conflict resolution skills are crucial no matter what is the size or operation level of your organization.
We help you to enhance workplace productivity, reduce risks, boost sales, and instill confidence among the team members. Our trainers are adept to provide the best solutions by analyzing specificneeds. LeadershipTraining Like any other skill, leadership skills can also be acquired. Acquiring leadership skills can help managers of an organization to become capable enough to lead a team and enhance value creation, create efficiencies and engage other members to deliver betterresults. This is where Growfinity Consulting comes from. We help your organization by creating leaders who can take your organization to the next level. We make sure that your leaders have the potential to take charge of any challenges coming theirway. SalesTraining Sales is the core of all business. Every other department is one way or the other related to the sales team. An organization will find it difficult to survive in the long run if they are not able to convert prospects into payingentities. Is your sales team reached a point of stagnancy? Even after expanding your sales team, you are not able to see visible results? Then your answer is a robust sales training program by our skilled coaches at Growfinity Consulting. We will help you increase your conversion rate, improve productivity and help your sales team prepare for unforeseensituations.
HR AUDIT Services Offered By Growfinity Consulting Running a company without regular audits is like using a vehicle for years without getting it serviced. You will not be able to identify the loopholes, eliminate errors and improve efficiency if you do not conduct regular audits. Also, an external audit can help to maintain investor and regulator confidence. Inaccurate financial statements can affect the growth of your companynegatively. Our audit experts will help you to gain an understanding of the overall systems and controls environment. It will increase your credibility in the business marketplace and increasetransparency.
HRAudit Most organizations have no idea whether or not they have human resources issues. Such companies prohibit their growth by overlooking the most vital component that makes an organization-PEOPLE! If you don't want to be among such companies, Growfinity Consulting is the place foryou! We examine various aspects of the HR tasks policies, methods, processes, documentation, and systems to bring positivechange. GovernanceAudit When words like 'Governance' and 'Audit' come together, matters become serious. Our audit experts assure that the company adheres to all pertinent laws and effective internal control systems to serve the needs of all the stakeholders. ProcessAudit Are some basic business processes in your company never swift and smooth? Or, there is a basic level of confusion and mismanagement? If the answer is yes, the reason might beProcesses. Processes form the heart of any business. So, to keep your processes at prime efficiency, you have to audit themregularly. Our process audit services help you to identify areas where you need to take action and make sure that the work is being doneright.
About Growfinity Consulting In 2018, when a few like-minded people came together to weave solutions that solve the problems of businesses, Growfinity Consulting became a breathingidentity. We target solving the pain points and frustrations that impact your business and assist you with refocusing and executing necessary strategies, tools, systems, and processes to achieve visibleresults. Our organization runs on the principle of transparency and makes quality services its topmost priority. We are growth-seekers driven to bring positive change to the lives wetouch. OURVISION “To create possibilities in every sphere of life by guiding our clients toward the right direction, devising focus, and achieving quantifiable success.” OURPHILOSOPHY We aim consistently to achieve breakthrough performance that you genuinely deserve and help your organizations! We embrace creativity and change in a smarter way that would help you attain increased customer value, minimize risk, and optimize resources! We believe in bringing innovation in everything wedo.
HIGHLIGHTS • Growfinity Consulting has served many esteemed organizations in its years ofoperation. • We have done political coaching and consulting during the 2019 electionperiod. • We have coached 50+ SMEs & MSMEs business owners totaling 2000+ hours of onlinetraining. • 10,000+ professionals and 30+ corporate clients gained training through our programs. ContactUs Address: GLOBAL BUSINESS HUB, 806, opp. Eon Free Zone Road, Kharadi, Pune, Maharashtra411014 Phone: 08766581148 Website:https://www.growfinity.co.in/