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Logo and webdesign: Logo design is the main component of our profile.From the first stage of logo design, we try to achicie that the logo communicates the message of the company clearly, in all kinds of Media.We strive to avoid the stereotypical, uniformlas, massive design and appearance. we not just design, we pour your thoughts into form. http://www.gurugrafik.hu/
Gurugrafik Design - Logodesign Logo design is the main component of ourprofile . Alltheothercomponentsthatcommunicatethecompanyarebasedonlogo Media, virtual and realwordappearance of thecompanydependsonthelogo. Thereforethebasics and thelogo, thatwebuildonourcomapany, has a greatimportance • … wenotjust design, we pour yourthoughtsintoform
Gurugrafik Design - Logodesign LogosdesignedbyGurugrafic, withoutexception, all of themareunique. Duringthe free consultationweget a completepictureaboutcompanyindustries, itsfunction and purposes, positiontoachieve. Knowingthis, we design thelogoconsciously. Vintage, antiquefurniture Climbing • … wenotjust design, we pour yourthoughtsintoform.
Gurugrafik Design - Logodesign Logos, tomeetdemand, adoptedtotheclients’sneed, reflecttheactivity and message of thecompany Fromthefirststagethelogocommunicatesthemessage of thecompanyclearly, inallkindsof Media Arts and crafts, small, family-firm cheese maker Dentistry in the Canary Islands • … wenotjust design, we pour yourthoughtsintoform.
Gurugrafik Design - Logodesign Fromthefirststage of logo design, wetrytoachiciethatthelogocommunicatesthemessage of thecompanyclearly, inallkindsof Media Arts and crafts, small, family-firm cheese maker Dentistry in the Canary Islands • … wenotjust design, we pour yourthoughtsintoform.
Gurugrafik Design - Logodesign Westrivetoavoidthestereotypical, uniformlas, massive design and appearance Uniqueness is one of the most important criteria to be distinctivefromtheothers, and to be abletorise above the current trends. Ifrequired, handdrawnlogo is also an option. handdrawn, original version Digital, vectorgraphics • … wenotjust design, we pour yourthoughtsintoform. • .
Gurugrafik Design - Logodesign Unfortunatelly, incase of logo design, trendsarechanging, that’swhywestrivetokeepourdesignsawayfromthistrends. Asone trend disappear, thepopularity of ourlogoalsodeclinese.g. ifwe’ re thinkingabouthipsterlogo Therefore, weputemphasisonfunctionalvisualization. typicl„hipster” logo Custom-designed. timelesslogo • … wenotjust design, we pour yourthoughtsintoform.