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Version: 8.0 Question: 1 What do you understand by The SAP HANA Software Optimization? Choose the correct answer Response: A. Speed up the processing within the database B. Provide combinations of Objects and Partitioning C. Bring logic to where the data is calculated first, then only move to results D. Huge potential for hybrid database Answer: C Question: 2 How will you hide the attributes that are not required for client consumption? Choose the correct answer Response: A. By setting the hidden property flag of the attribute in the View B. By setting the hidden property flag of the attribute column C. By setting the hidden property flag of the attribute in the Semantics screen D. By setting the hidden property flag of the attribute provider Answer: C Question: 3 Discuss different types of engines associated with The SAP HANA architecture? There are 2 correct answers to this question Response: A. Join engine B. OLAP engine C. Analytic engine D. OPAX engine Answer: AB Question: 4 What are the Guidelines for optimizing ABAP code running on HANA? There are 3 correct answers to this question. Response: A. Open SQL settings B. Technical settings C. DB specific properties D. Column store
E. High-speed data analysis Answer: BCD Question: 5 What are the supported joins in CDS view? There are 2 correct answers to this question. Response: A. Operators joint B. Upper join C. Inner join D. Left outer join Answer: CD Question: 6 What are the Possible Approaches with AS ABAP < 7.4 SP02? There are 2 correct answers to this question. Response: A. Interaction with Database B. Stored Procedures C. Consume using native SQL D. SQL units Answer: BC Question: 7 The SAP HANA database is a hybrid in-memory database that combines Few technologies within. What are these technologies? There are 3 correct answers to this question Response: A. Value-based database technology B. Time-based database technology C. Row-based database technology D. Column-based database technology E. Object-based database technology Answer: CDE Question: 8 What information can you specify using annotations (marked with the @ sign) when you define a Core Data Services (CDS) view in an ABAP system? There are 3 correct answers to this question. Response:
A. The logic for aggregations, grouping records, and filtering groups of the CDS view B. The join conditions of the CDS view C. The name of the representation of the CDS view in the ABAP dictionary D. The client dependency of the CDS view E. The extent to which records of the CDS view should be buffered on the application server Answer: CDE