

measures were taken to conceal the body. Modesty prevailed while shame towards sexual Want and the human body existed. Women concealed their bodies by wearing multiple layers of Garments concealing everything but their faces. Gloves covered their hands except at mealtime. Any sexual words or references about human or animal body parts were prohibited. As one writer put it, ''Legs became limbs, chicken legs became dark meat, and chicken breasts became white meat. " 6 Medical professionals during the Victorian period discouraged sexual pleasure for women, labeling them as strange when these want surfaced. Consequently, the most desirable women were those who were frozen. Guys, on the other hand, were not told to hold back their sexual desires; instead they were cautioned about the physical drain on their heads and bodies. Though men prided themselves on having the "Suitable wife," high levels of prostitution and pornography existed. Victorian prudity was Additionally represented in the treatment of the natives by the missionaries and European colonists. Disregard for non-European cultures and demands for "natives" to conform to Victorian standards by compelling them to wear clothing brought much humiliation to their society and was a constant reminder of this cultures inferior heritage and status. Material from various sources was gathered to make garments for the natives. Most of the time clothing was made to make the natives look ridiculous. Cover ups contained odd appearing chemise-like garments worn until they literally fell apart due to the deficiency of knowledge, on the natives behalf, about the present day trend of nudism. Despite the Victorian era' s restrictions on exhibiting the body, social nudism emerged during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, particularly in Germany. According to llfeld & Lauer, the early development of social nudism stressed healthy lifestyles, athletics, and the advantages of the sun in treating certain illnesses. Heinrich Pudor, called the ''Daddy of Nudism," formed the first modem nudist group called ''Nacktkultur," which means nude culture. He later wrote a book titled The Cult of Nude expressing his views on the positive aspects of nudism. Pudor urged nudity in sports for both males and females enabling them to restore themselves both physically and spiritually. He referred to nudity as aristocratic, and for clothing representative of the common people. He indicated that states would decay without the freedom to express one's view, either positive or negative, towards nudism.8 Another nineteenth century writer, Richard Ungewitter, additionally explored the issue of nudism Die Nacktheit, which depicted men, women, and children living naked in a society. Numerous efforts to get his novel printed failed, forcing him to publish his works privately. Ironically, his book has been reissued many times in the modem age. Ungewitter became very controversial in his writings stating the body would benefit from the Lack of clothes, particularly the heavy garments worn then. He suggested that Seeing the nude body as sexual in nature wasn' http://einfachwiki.de/EinfachWiki/index.php?title=my-self-I-would-like-to-get-naked-and-see-what-it-feels-a . Really, he claimed that serious sexual offenses and infidelity would gradually decrease as more of the population accepted his teachings about nudism. Needless to say, his radical theories were difficult for the general populace to take. 9 Paul Zimmerman formed the world' s first naturist resort in Germany in 1903, paving the manner for the fkk colonies that would proliferate after in the century. The resort was named "Freilichtpark,"which means "Free Light Park." 10 Zimmerman' s guests were required to conform to strict health rules which contained abstaining from meat, alcohol, and tobacco. A vigorous compulsory two-hour exercise program was part of every guest's daily routine. Both young and old engaged in activities for example swimming, gymnastics, bicycling, and sunbathing. Zimmerman, like Ungewitter, was convinced the eating of meat was not beneficial to the human diet. 11 Each guest dined on an abundance of healthy fiuits, vegetables and appetizing salads during their encounter at the park. The social guarantee of this lifestyle contributed to the growth and spread of fkk colonies throughout Germany. An important and influential group called the Wandervogels, also referred to as the migrating birds, led to greater acceptance of nudism. This group consisted of Adolescents, both male and female, who appreciated swimming nude. For the most part, these young adults were law abiding citizens who brought nudity into mainstream life. result, more people became open minded about the fkk movement. During the 1920's, nudism took on a fresh name called Freikorperkultur (F.K.K.), meaning free body culture. More books about nudism were being released bringing more Knowledge to the lifestyle. About 50,000 active nudists were recorded in Germany According to Johnson, Freilichtpark became world famous. 14 Folks from Europe


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