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Hempstead Car Donation

Have you been looking to make a difference in someoneu2019s life? Have you also been looking to get rid of that unwanted vehicle thatu2019s been an eye soar in front of your house? Hempstead Car Donation has the perfect solution to both these problems. We have been facilitating car donations in Hempstead in the rest of Long Island for over 20 years partnering with residents just like you to remove your car or truck and help children overseas access education and literacy resources they would otherwise not have access to. Call us today to start the car donation process. We look forward to hearing from you.<br><br>Hempstead Car Donation is one of many charitable organizations in the Long Island area, and we understand that donors may be wondering what sets us apart from others. In addition to our 20 years in business and our legacy of partnership with respected domestic and international childrenu2019s relief organizations.<br><br>Your donation goes to help improve the education and literacy resources for children overseas, including organizations like The American Red Cross. This is your chance to do some cleaning and clutter removal while making a true difference in a childu2019s life. Hempstead Car Donation is ready to help residents in Long Island get rid of their unwanted vehicles while giving a child the tools they need for success. Call our experienced and qualified team today. Weu2019ll immediately start the process of helping you complete your tax-deductible donation.<br>

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Hempstead Car Donation

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  1. Hempstead CarDonation Contact Address: 30-40 W Columbia St, suite 345B, Hempstead, NY11550 Phone: (516)345-4135 WebsiteURL: http://cardonateny.com/hempstead-long-island-car-donation.html AboutUS Have you been lookingto make a difference in someone’s life? Have you also been looking to get rid of thatunwantedvehiclethat’s beenan eyesoarinfrontofyour house?HempsteadCarDonationhasthe perfect solution to both these problems. We have been facilitating car donations in Hempstead in the rest of Long Island for over 20 years partnering with residents just like you to remove your car or truck and help children overseas access education and literacy resources they would otherwise not have accessto. Callustodaytostartthecardonationprocess. We lookforwardtohearingfromyou. Hempstead Car Donationis one of many charitable organizations in the Long Island area, and we understandthatdonorsmay bewonderingwhatsets usapartfromothers.Inadditiontoour 20 yearsin business and our legacy of partnership with respected domestic and international children’s relief organizations. Yourdonationgoestohelpimprovetheeducation andliteracyresourcesforchildrenoverseas,including organizations like The American Red Cross. This is your chance to do some cleaning and clutter removal while making a true difference in a child’s life. Hempstead Car Donation is ready to help residents in Long Island get rid of their unwanted vehicles while giving a child the tools they need for success. Call our experienced and qualified team today. We’ll immediately start the process of helping you complete your tax-deductibledonation. RelatedSearches car donation | donate a car | car donation service | donate junk car | junk car donation | junk car donate|donationagency|cardonationagency|autodonation|vehicledonation|boatdonation| best car donation | car donation tax deductible | car donation free pick up | Hempstead | Nassau County |NY. AdditionalDetails Hours: 24hours Payment Accepted:Cash

  2. NearbyLocations WestHempstead|Lakeview|Malverne|Hewlett| Lynbrook 11550 |97630| 11565| 11557| 11563 SocialProfiles https://www.facebook.com/Hempstead-Car-Donation-290151175169451/ https://twitter.com/CarHempstead https://www.instagram.com/hempsteadcar3/ GMBListing https://goo.gl/maps/VXGsRSV1wky5wqJEA

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