How To Dispute Items On Credit Report, What Is A Good Credit Score, How To Improve Credit Score How To Dispute Items On Credit Report, What Is A Good Credit Score, How To Improve Credit Score. What Is FICO and how it affects you FICO is a mathematical model created by the Experian credit bureau as a tool for lenders to use in evaluating the risk associated with lending you money. FICO stands for Fair Isaac Company, the company that created the original scoring model. FICO scores consider your credit history over several years, making it difficult to increase your credit score in a short time frame. Over the long term you can improve your credit-worthiness by: – Reducing your total indebt ness. – making your debt payments on time and in full. – closing unneeded credit accounts. – avoiding bankruptcy and foreclosures. How is your Score Calculated? Your score is calculated by a series of questions based on both your credit report & debt-to-income ratio. Each answer accumulates a certain number of points that are then added together for your final score. A typical scoring considers:
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