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Fasteners | Bolts | Nuts - Ananka Group

The largest manufacturer of fasteners, nuts, and bolts in India is Ananka Group, which also produces fasteners of the finest calibre. Ananka Group strives to provide the most varied product categories and material options while upholding the highest standard of quality in order to be the finest High Tensile Fastener Manufacturer in India.<br><br>Website: https://bit.ly/3Bq0ucg<br><br>Fastener: http://bit.ly/3w70WIk<br><br>Bolts: http://bit.ly/3iExgPR<br><br>Nuts: http://bit.ly/3ZDr1wg<br><br>Mail: sales@hightensilenutbolts.com<br>

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Fasteners | Bolts | Nuts - Ananka Group

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  1. Fasteners Manufacturer Fasteners Material Specification – Place of Origin - India Standard - IS / BS / BSW / DIN Size - M2 – M100 Material - 1. Stainless Steel: SS201 2. Steel: C45(K1045), C46 sales@hightensilenutbolts.com +918369074984 www.hightensilenutbolts.com

  2. Bolts Manufacturer Bolts Material Specification – Place of Origin - India Standard - IS / BS / BSW / DIN / ASME / ASTM, ISO 4017, DIN931 Production technology - Cold Forged Process - Wire Drawing, Cold Heading, Insert tapping sales@hightensilenutbolts.com +918369074984 www.hightensilenutbolts.com

  3. Nuts Manufacturer Nuts Material Specification – Grades - 10.9, Grade 8.8, DIN 933 Standard - IS 1364 / IS 1363 and DIN EN ISO 4014 Length - 3 mm to 200 mm Size - Dia M 20 to 100 mm Inch 3/4″ to 3.1/2 sales@hightensilenutbolts.com +918369074984 www.hightensilenutbolts.com

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