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Party Halls in Chandigarh

Is it the first time you are going to a night club? There are few do’s to behave properly and enjoy while you are partying with your friends. Dress appropriately, be patient and polite, tip graciously, do not drink too much and follow the dance floor rules.

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Party Halls in Chandigarh

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  1. Night Life Etiquette- Ways to Behave In Nightclub You may feel like throwing away your cares in the wind when you enter a nightclub. The evening filled with dancing & drinking should not be an excuse to forget your manners. It is imperative to pay attention to your nightlife etiquettes so that everyone has a great time. There are numerous night clubs in Chandigarhwhere you can hang out with your buddies and have loads of fun. As you get ready for a great weekend, here are some pointers to know your way around the dance floor and club. 1.Dress To Impress When going to a club you must choose an outfit carefully, as you are how you dress. Upscale attire is a must have. Men can go for dark jeans paired up with a button up shirt and dark shoes. For women, the best option is to go for a dress that is paired with heels. Jeans and a stylish top also look great. You can also check the nightclub’s website when you have a doubt regarding the dress code.

  2. 2.Be Polite & Patient Do not try to sneak ahead of others in the line and choose the appropriate entrance line. It is better to stay away from the VIP entrance line unless you have VIP passes. You can also book the tickets and table in advance to avoid any hassles. Keep your photo ID ready when you are about to reach the entry door. Try to be polite to the doorman and respect his authority. 3.Be Gracious With Tips You cannot make the busy atmosphere and the darkness in the club an excuse to avoid tipping. The staff in night clubs works under trying conditions, so you need to be patient and generous with them. The lovely men and women serving you with killer cocktails and checking in your coat do this for a living so it is nice to leave a tip. If you experience great service you can leave a generous tip. 4.Go Easy on Alcohol It is a big no-no to drink and drive after a night out but even if the post drinking transportation is figured out keep the alcohol intake within limits. No one can enjoy around a person who is spilling the drink, bumping into people or is obnoxious. So it is better to consume as much liquor as you can handle and have a nice time with your pals. 5.Follow The Dance Floor Rules The dance floor is meant to dance, but if you are not shaking, you can step aside and let someone else do their thing. You can dance like no one is watching as enthusiasm is infectious. Do not forget the fine line between uninhibited dancing and let the people around you also have their dance space. Do not harass the DJ and let them play their tracks unless you have personally hired the DJ. Avoid aggressive behavior and do not impose yourself on other women. Self-restraint and cool moves are far more attractive ways to get noticed by any girl. You can click a couple of quick pictures to remember the night with your friends and enjoy the vibe! Do you want to add more to this? Do let us know through your comments. Source: http://www.hotelcityheartpremium.com/

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