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Fashion Design Institute Gandhinagar

Join the best institute for fashion designing courses in Gandhinagar. Visit INIFD Gandhinagar now and make you career in Fashion Designing field.

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Fashion Design Institute Gandhinagar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INIFD Gandhinagar Welcome INIFD designworld http://www.inifdgandhinagar.com

  2. Introduction • INIFD Gandhinagar is one of the populer INIFD centres backed up by the world’s most successful industry designers. • It Including totalydevloping the world class designing course such like fashion, textile, and interior. • INIFD Gandhinagar is simply able to teach their students “the core of fashion designing and the high-tech production skills”. http://www.inifdgandhinagar.com

  3. http://www.inifdgandhinagar.com

  4. WHY Fashion Design? • Because it is a very meaning full career that mixes creativity and talent with enterprising vision, in addition to the passion Studying. • Fashion Design is booming, the popularity and glamour of the fashion industry is growing every day, many people wonder whether a fashion career is right for them. • Our course most professions require hard work and effort, but the fast-paced world of fashion is an entirely different kind of beast that most can't dream of taming. http://www.inifdgandhinagar.com

  5. Process Of Creating Collection • This process take most of one year, from sketching to design tests, tests of fabrics, outlines and more. • Now you are thinking that top models and heroin ramp walk with your collection and wanted study in depth then contact us. http://www.inifdgandhinagar.com

  6. Fashion Show http://www.inifdgandhinagar.com

  7. Fashion Show http://www.inifdgandhinagar.com

  8. Contact Us • Address : 206 to 209, Supermall-2, Infocity, Above Bank Of India, Infocity, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382009. • Contact Number : +918000047000 • Web URL: http://www.inifdgandhinagar.com

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