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Haag-Streit is a leading provider of instruments and medical-practice equipment for ophthalmologists, optometrists and opticians. For more than 50 years, the Haag-Streit Lamp has been regarded as the standard instrument for ophthalmic diagnosis. To learn more visit: http://www.haag-streit-usa.com/mylenstar.aspx
IOL Power Calculations – The Critical Results from Proper MeasurementWhen considering equipment for your office you must consider the accuracy of measurements it provides. If your practice specializes in intraocular lens surgery, then it becomes even more critical. Accurate measurements are essential in getting the proper IOL power calculations to determine the new lens specifications and to prepare for the procedure.Technology Is Constantly Improving Your AbilityEach year companies come out with exciting new advancements in ophthalmology equipment. Could you even imagine 5 years ago of an optical biometer capable of 9 measurements in 30 seconds all in one scan process? In just 30 seconds you can have all of these critical measurements:PachymetryLens ThicknessPupillometryKeratometryAxial LengthRetinal ThicknessACDWhite to WhiteEccentricity of the Visual AxisWhat makes this exciting is not just the speed, but the increased accuracy provided by the new technology. With these highly accurate measurements your IOL power calculations increase in accuracy, too. One of the most outstanding advancements in the optical biometer comes in the Keratometry area. The latest technology can provide 32 markers based upon two concentric rings. This change increases accuracy even with patients who are not fully compliant.
Increased Accuracy is Only Half the Picture You Must ConsiderThere is one simple fact often overlooked by many manufacturers of ophthalmology equipment. Speed of operation is almost as important as accuracy. Speed is critical for two very important reasons:Patient ComfortIncreased ProfitsWhen you can finish a scan which provides you with 9 critical measurements in only 30 seconds your patients do not become stressed. It overcomes the fears of even the most timid patients. They may wonder what all the fuss has been with people visiting the eye doctor when it all seemed simple to them.The number of patients you can see in a day is highly dependent on the speed and accuracy of your equipment. Imagine how fast you can finish your testing, do the IOL power calculations, and prepare to see the next patient with the latest technology. You can increase the number of patients you treat on a daily basis which quickly adds to the bottom line of your office.Speed and Accuracy Pay-Off Not Only TodayIncreased accuracy does not only improve your results today, but in the future. You will have a higher success rate with the most accurate tests available. You will have fewer patients developing after surgery problems which results in higher numbers of referrals from satisfied patients.Each step in your practice plays an important role in overall patient satisfaction but the bottom line comes down to comfort and results. If your patients feel comfortable with their Ophthalmologist and his testing techniques they keep coming back. If the results are outstanding they tell everyone they know about the wonderful Doctor they have found. Satisfied patients are your number one source for new patients to create a growing practice. It all starts with equipment which provides you fast accurate results allowing for exact IOL power calculations.