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The ITCombine team has proven the ability to work round the clock to deliver desired solutions with a large number of Software development, E-Commerce website design and web application development projects. With keen attention to details, we guarantee high-quality delivery with devoted project coordinators who are responsible for daily management of communication between Clients and Project team.<br><br>
CardBowl Having trouble in genera?ng sales leads at Trade shows and exhibi?ons? is here to the rescue. It engages and CARDBOWL manages visitors data through card scan and manual data entry. It also converts visitors into leads by Automated Welcome & Followup. CARDBOWL helps to accumulate maximum leads at the event while communica?ng with the visitors through an Auto Communica?on. To top this, it also saves the post-event administra?ve cost. CardBowl is simple to use with Administra?ve features that can be easily configured based on Company par?cipa?on in mul?ple Exhibi?ons and several representa?ves. The CardBowl Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
SpotPog Spotpog is an innova?ve way to efficiently public parking spots. swap This applica?on also increases the number of available parking spots citywide by allowing owners of private spaces to easily rent their spots. Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
PERFORMIX WORKOUT APP This program will help you build muscle and shred fat using specific targeted techniques including: Energy System Splits, Density Training and Intensity Sets, The Performix Workout app offers clear , along with video audio instruc?on guides on how to complete each workout with Andy. Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
Sendfie This app help you to provide the fresh food on of order, you can book one click for par?es, and for func?on also, Sendfie connects foodies with their favorite restaurants with the goal of promo?ng an exci?ng and relaxed dining experience Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
1-800 flowers.com With the help of this applica?on you can send the flower loved ones anywhere in India and you can send gi?s along with it. to your Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
Trimur? Token Applica?on token scanning This applica?on uses for in poli?cs, a token gesture, the ailing Vajpayee, Advani and Joshi, for long the BJP’s “trimur?, there is scanning code available to scan the party. Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
1Chemist This applica?on provide the genuine medicines and products along with our own developed medicines, customer service is our first priori?es. Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
Trimur? Products With this applica?on you can get access of all the details of par?es the help of QR Code. with Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
Tooracart This applica?on work for order the , it allow user to groceries online take the service at the doorstep, with the help of this applica?on we provide the feel of fresh vegetable at your doorstep. Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
HiGlance Online Pharmacy HiGlance.Online is e-pharmacy victual for ambit of medicines, wellness and fitness products, we offer unadulterated medicines products through with our own burgeon medicines. We offer more than 15k medicines and ambit more than 75k wellness products. and Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
ExperChat: Fashion Advice & Makeup Tips, Skin Care ExperChat empower you to save ?me and money by giving you direct explosion to accomplished skin care, fashion, makeup and hair Experts across the country from the consola?on of your home in this applica?on no pre subscrip?on required. , Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
Discover Dogri Savour in the flavour of Dogri language with the amazing ‘Discover Dogri App’ which is designed to help people understand and learn the Dogri language. From Dogri dic?onary, Dogri songs and music by famous ar?sts to Dogri sentences, the app has it all. The app comes with two unique features, ‘Dogri Quiz Feature’ to enjoy the Dogri language and test your Dogri language skills and ‘Launch Your Book’ feature to connect to your fans across the globe. Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
SaidList It features Entertaining Ar?cles and updates about various across the world. You can Stay informed and entertained by reading people opinions and comments about people and places. The website and this App is a source of entertainment. It features Entertaining Ar?cles and updates about various news happening across the world. news happening Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
Fire Simula?on This is the only simula?on program on the market that gives you with an evalua?on tool and educa?on component on ways to handle incidents. This app has been built by a team of Fire Chiefs, each with over 30 years of experience. These Fire Chiefs have actually crawled down that hallway to ex?nguish fires as well as commanded thousands of incidents pre-built simula?ons Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
Delivery Qdee is a pla?orm that enables users to match their demand and supply of delivery services. It is an a?empt to solve the age-old “where-to-find-it” Have a delivery? It takes ?me to flip through the yellow pages, or surf the internet, just to get a few right candidates. Then more ?me is spent on wai?ng and ge?ng a good quote for your job. While you are doing all these, transport providers who have idle resources sit around and wait for businesses to find them. problem. Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
Vampire Being a goth doesn’t mean that you’re limited to one scene and one scene only. People tend to think of goth as a very isolated subculture, whose members hang out only with each other and have no outside interests. But this image couldn’t be further from the truth. Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
KGCC Entertaining Ar?cles It features about various news happening across the world. You can Stay informed and entertained by reading people opinions and comments about people and places. The website and this App is a source of entertainment. and updates Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com
For More details about ITCombine please visit our Website: - www.itcombine.com You may contact us as given below details also Phone No: +91 –9667132345 Email: info@itcombine.com Copyright@ITCombine www.itcombine.com