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ImpexDocs – Addressing Issues You Faced in Previous Export Consignment

First, it links an export business to various trade-governing bodies globally, so that the exporter receives all information and updates in real time. Second, it reduces the chances of human errors while preparing documents in the required formats. Third, it issues automatic alerts so that any non-compliance issue can be immediately dealt with. So, you can expect lower compliance risks for each consignment.

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ImpexDocs – Addressing Issues You Faced in Previous Export Consignment

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  2. IMPEXDOCS – Addressing Issues You Faced in Previous Export Consignment Export Documentation, International Trade Software, Certificate Of Origin, Pre-Receival Advice, Freight Booking

  3. What’s Unique about ImpexDocs? ImpexDocs, an export documentation software suite, has been designed keeping in mind a number of important aspects: • First, it not only fully eliminates the need of paper-based documentation, but also addresses the drawbacks of traditional desktop software tools. • Second, it has a simple, easy-to-grab and user-friendly interface which is extremely convenient to adapt to. • Third, it is easy to integrate with other software systems that usually form a part of a company’s IT infrastructure. • Lastly, it has a centralized dashboard that controls many small but significant features and components for hassle-free processing. To understand it better, here are the underlying attributes of ImpexDocs that provides it with a competitive edge: • Cloud Technology: You don’t need to download and run the software on any specific machine. Due to its complete existence on cloud, you can access it using any stationery or mobile device. Clearly, it allows real-time processing, independent of time, place and device. • Compatibility: ImpexDocs is compatible with all software systems that various document-issuing authorities in Australia operate. For example, it has compatibility with the EXDOC system of the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and the Integrated Cargo System of the Australian Border Force. • Support: ImpexDocs has a team of expert export consultants, technical experts as well as documentation professionals who offer exceptional support to the companies using the software. Because of this, you can expect your documentation process to go on smoothly without any interruption. Based on these features and aspects, let’s find out how it can be your choice after facing troubles during your last export activity.

  4. Was Your Consignment Delayed Last Time? One of the top causes for delay in export consignment is inefficient documentation process. Why? There are many reasons: • Manually filling in various forms and preparing a number of certificates. • Going further, manual processing may lead to repeated errors that consume a lot of time in corrections. • Using different mediums or chances to contact dozens of agencies for issuing or stamping of documents. • Wastage of time in comparing rates from different service providers. For instance, manual freight booking may lead to huge time consumption and labour while comparing quotes from different companies. • Delays in communicating with various parties across the supply chain. For example, any hindrance in cargo clearance due to late submission of pre-receival advice can lead to delayed shipment. In addition, you may find it restrictive to use one office computer for documentation handling. You need to be present in front of the machine all the time, thereby missing the advantages of remote processing. How ImpexDocs Helps? As mentioned earlier, ImpexDocs being a cloud-based solution facilitates real-time processing. Moreover, you can automate the process of filling forms and submitting requests to multiple agencies simultaneously. Also, it acts as one common communication channels to stay in touch with freight forwarders, stevedores, warehouses, transporters and other parties. Hence, there are negligible chances of delay in issuing, obtaining and sharing all types of export documents. As a result, you can bring in significant changes in the overall productivity of your documentation team, along with reduction in human errors and the resulting consequences.

  5. Did You Spend Unnecessarily on Documentation Last Time? Not many exporters know, but they actually shell out more money than required to prepare different export documents. In order to understand it, let’s take the example of obtaining an export declaration number (EDN) from the Australian Border Force. So, what are the costs involved in it, if you are still doing it the old way: • Visiting one of the counters of the Customs Department in person and filling in forms manually. • The costs of human errors and the resulting repetitive rejections. Needless to say, the costs that the exporters bear due to human errors are significantly higher than they think. • If you are using a desktop-based software, you may have to buy or renew expensive digital certificates on a regular basis. • Also, the costs of maintaining and upgrading a desktop solution are indeed frustrating. • Besides, the costs of sending and receiving documents using mail or courier services can be high as well. Another example is that of freight booking. If you end up choosing a company without much comparing various quotes, you may miss a possibly lower rate. Each of these costs may cause your documentation budget to swell. How ImpexDocs Helps? Again, the cloud-based software suite reduces the upgrading and maintaining costs. Apart from that, there is no need for digital certificate re-buying and renewal. Human errors, as you read in the previous section, are dramatically reduced which further saves you from unwanted costs. You may use it to get the best available quotes as well as to reduce the postal and courier expenses.

  6. Were There Serious Compliance Issues? As an exporter, you need to ensure that your export activity is absolutely trade compliant. In other words, it should be in complete sync with the global trade norms and regulations. For example, you should: • Arrange various documents in the prescribed formats • Adhere to various Australian export legislations • Meet the importing country requirements • Comply with a number of export-governing bodies that operate internationally For example, in order to obtain the benefits from a Free Trade Agreement, you must issue a certificate of origin in the correct format. Without meeting these requirements, your export consignment as well as documentation is incompliant and can face consequences like: • Monetary losses, fines and penalties • Punishments and legal proceedings • Rejection of the consignment, leading to discarding or return of your export goods • Loss of reputation as well as future business opportunities and so on How ImpexDocs Helps? Designed as an international trade software, ImpexDocs takes care that your export business fulfil each of the above-mentioned demands. How? First, it links an export business to various trade-governing bodies globally, so that the exporter receives all information and updates in real time. Second, it reduces the chances of human errors while preparing documents in the required formats. Third, it issues automatic alerts so that any non-compliance issue can be immediately dealt with. So, you can expect lower compliance risks for each consignment. Clearly, ImpexDocs can be a game-changer to accomplish higher success rate for every new consignment you send from now on.

  7. Thank You

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