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Top 3 Concerns that ImpexDocs Addresses for Fast Export Documentation

ImpexDocs is a cloud-based software package which makes the task of export documentation easier using the electronic medium. First, it reduces the paperwork substantially. Second, it eliminates the common human errors that often lead to delays and penalties. Third, it allows preparing documents remotely. Above all, it permits exporters to focus on core business activities.

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Top 3 Concerns that ImpexDocs Addresses for Fast Export Documentation

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  3. An Introduction to ImpexDocs Export Documentation Solution ImpexDocsis a cloud-based software package which makes the task of export documentation easier using the electronic medium. First, it reduces the paperwork substantially. Second, it eliminates the common human errors that often lead to delays and penalties. Third, it allows preparing documents remotely. Above all, it permits exporters to focus on core business activities. As a result, you can rely on the software solution to address the most annoying aspects of traditional documentation process. Moreover, you can customize the package and select only the applications you need to save money and get your business needs fulfilled precisely.

  4. Preparing Multiple Documents in No Time Usually, there are 40 or more documents that you may need to prepare for each export consignment. It means that export documentation is a huge task that may consume a lot of efforts and time. ImpexDocs reduces both efforts and time to prepare documents like: • Health/Phytosanitarycertificates and export permits from the Department of Agriculture • Export declaration number from the Customs • Certificate of origin from different chambers of commerce • Commercial invoices, letter of credit, packing lists and more To summarise, you can rely on the software solution to get error-free documents right on time.

  5. Handling Voluminous Consignment Data Every export consignment generates a great volume of data which consists of key data elements. Overall, you may have to use the same data repeatedly while preparing different export documents. Imagine how annoying it can be to repeat the same data elements again and again, especially for a huge consignment. The best thing about IMPEXDOCS is that it automates data re-keying which saves a lot of manual processing. Again, it helps to save a lot of precious time and prevent common human errors. Furthermore, you can expect consistency in the information which ensures that various export documents are in sync with each other.

  6. Reducing Weeks to Days or Hours Raising a request for permits and obtaining the required export permits may take two or more weeks. ImpexDocs establishes a safe and secure electronic interface with the systems like EXDOC (that the Department of Agriculture uses to issues export permits). Consequently, the processing time may be reduced to days that can be a big advantage for any export business. The software also reduces the communication time between the exporters and important parties. For example, you can quickly communicate with the cargo terminal operators regarding pre-receival advice. It can help you get fast cargo clearance and acceptance.


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