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Innovation Strategy and Regional Innovation Systems The Agro-food system in Emilia-Romagna Claudia Degli Esposti Head of the Regional Marketing Unit The Agro-Food Industry as Engine for Growth and Wealth in Africa 18 - 20 June 2008 * FAO Headquarters * Rome, Italy Summary
Innovation Strategy and Regional Innovation Systems The Agro-food system in Emilia-Romagna Claudia Degli Esposti Head of the Regional Marketing Unit The Agro-Food Industry as Engine for Growth and Wealth in Africa 18 - 20 June 2008 * FAO Headquarters * Rome, Italy
Summary • The Industrial District concept and its historical evolution • The Industrial policies in Emilia-Romagna: the ERVET’s role • The Agro-food Regional Innovation System in Emilia- Romagna • The agro-food system in Emilia-Romagna, between tradition and innovation: a general outlook • Conclusion and proposals
The Industrial District concept and its historical evolution
The Industrial districts are groups of companies and institutions co-located in a specific geographic region and linked by interdependencies in providing a related group of products. Because of the proximity among them, the constituents enjoy economic benefit from specific externalities, like for example: specialized human resources suppliers learning from closes interaction with customers or suppliers knowledge local advisory centres, training centres, etc. The ID’s model of development is widely studied in literature for its economic performances. At European level the concept is more known as cluster, even if this concept is more related with technological and innovation issues. In last years high tech clusters creation is considered an important strategy for the competitiveness of the advanced regions The Industrial district concept
From IDs to ……… • The concept of IDs strictly defined, in the last years has shown increasing difficulties to be the unique point of reference for territorial policies: • Issues concerning the local development of the region are too narrowly represented by IDs • Changes occurred in the inter-firms relations and in the sectoral composition of IDs • Increasing range of entrepreneurial opportunities • Opening of productive systems • Productive and financial concentration by leader companies • Acquisitions from and to foreign countries
….Supply value Chains TWO COMPLEMENTARY APPROACHES: Industrial District: Dense network of relationships among socio-economic players (companies, intermediaries, local authorities) inside a specific territorial area • Supply value chain: • Productive system formed by : • productive chain and companies network • cognitive factors (competence and knowledge) • territorial actors (institutions and social capital) • relations among the above mentioned elements
From ID to Supply Value Chain: highlights
The Industrial Policies in Emilia-Romagna Ervet’s role
70s : Policy of“Industrial Settlements Areas” 80s:Policy of“Real services” From 2003:Re-positioning “Regional Law n. 5” Historical evolution is a corporation established in 1974 as a limited company by the Emilia Romagna Regional Government. Its mission is focused on ensuring a technical support to regional development policies devoted to social, economic and territorial valorisation favouring cooperation processes and resources integration
The Agro-food Regional Innovation System in Emilia-Romagna
Agro-food Players in the Regional System COMPANIES AND ASSOCIATIONS EMILIA - ROMAGNA REGIONAL NETWORK FOR INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH PUBLIC BODIES • Agri 2000 - society for services in agrofood research and environment – (Bo) • Research Centre for Vegetable- which promotes research, experimentation and dissemination of producitve (Fc) • Fruit and Vegetable Produce Service Centre – for the competitiveness of Italian fruit and vegetables - (Fe) • Business Studies Centre - for vocational training specialized in food and agriculture - (Bo) • Italian Centre Services from Earth to the Table - service centre for quality, innovation and safety in food chains (Pr) • Food and Logistics Centre of Parma – market activity of fruit and vegetable • Italian Consortium for Research on quality and food safety – (Pr) • EFSA European Food Safety Authority (Pr) • SSICA - Experimental Station for the Canned Food Industry (Pr) • SMEA - High School in Food Economics (Pc) • SOPRIP Local development Agency(Parma e Piacenza) • Local Action Groups • Antico Frignano e Appennino Reggiano • Appennino Bolognese • L'Altra Romagna • DELTA 2000 • SOPRIP RESEARCH LABORATORIES • CEREALABNon – GM Biotechonologies Laboratory for the Seed Industry (Re) • SIQUALRegional Laboratory for Food Safety and Quality (Pr) • TECALLaboratory TECnologie facilities for the Food Industry (Pr) • RESEARCH CENTRES • SIQUILACACentre for Innovation, Safety and Quality in the Dairy Industry (Re) • CITIMAPCentre for Innovation in the use of remote Sensing in the Agricultural Mechanical Industry (Pc) • PROATTIVO • Romagna Centre for Innovation (Fc)
Innovation systems in the Agro-food Industry
The Regional Programme for Rural Development 2007-2013 Competitiveness of companies in agriculture, credit for companies investing in agriculture, environmental and rural space, quality of life and diversification of activities The Regional Operative Programme (ERDF), the Regional Programme for Research and Transfer of Technology (PRITT), Three Yearly Programme for productive activities. Company competitiveness and innovation, company-research centres and university projects, energy and environmental innovation, support to the Regional Network for research and technological transfer, creation of Technopoles, eco-sustainable tourism Special Territorial Programmes Negotiated programmes with local players, some of them targeted at agro-food cluster promotion (ex. in the Basso Ferrarese area) Regional Innovation Policies The Regional Policies are targeted both at companies and playersin innovation
Consumption trends and eating habits • Ageing population: diversification and variety of diet related to health needs of older people - 23% of the population in Emilia - Romagna • Increased immigration and multi-ethnicity: diffusion of "new" food typical of the countries of origin of the immigrants – 7.5% of the population in Emilia - Romagna • Spread of mono-nuclear families and greater participation of women in the workplace: increased consumption outside the home and greater consumption of frozen precooked foods • Emergence of a consumer more "aware" of food consumption and more "attentive" to diet: new approach towards the safer food for all citizens • Family expenditure dedicated to food basket oriented at the purchase of food dictated by quality and price • The GDO has a new contractual relationship with the suppliers, based on requirements for more high quality products
The system, between tradition and innovation: a general outlook
The agro-food system in Emilia-Romagna • A sound specialization in agriculture and the agro-food industry, based on local resources and vocations and with a good potential for growth • Having grown between local traditions and innovation, the system is today central to Europe due to its positive performance in terms of export, quality of production and it is well linked to market demand. • The agro-food system of the Emilia-Romagna region bases its competitiveness on the innovation of products, new technological and organizative processes and logistics. • The Emilia-Romagna agro-food industry is part of the Made in Italy products and it is recognized for its typical production of high quality.
The composition of agro-food system Horizontal Activities for All Clusters and Specific for Agro-food Horizontal Activities for All Clusters and Not Specific for Agro-food Legenda Specific for agro-food
…and the typical products • Cold Cuts: Culatello of Zibello, Coppa Piacentina, Prosciutto Crudo Parma and Modena, Zampone and Cotechino Modena, Mortadella Bologna, Pancetta Piacentina, Salame Piacentino • Wines: Lambrusco and other wines • Balsamic Vinegar from Modena and Reggio Emilia • Extra Virgin Olive Oils from Romagna and Brisighella (Ravenna) • Cheeses: Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino of Fossa • Peaches of Romagna • Pears from Emilia - Romagna
A general outlook 2007 • Agricultural production • 77,000 employees • 15,800 companies • 24% sole proprietorships • 13.8% joint stock companies • a positive growth trend for companies managed by women • Agro-food industry (food and beverages) • 11,480 employees (industry and small scale production) • 9,350 active companies with a positive performance in milk and dairy production, meat, pasta and beverages sectors Not only do we have small companies operating in the region, but we also have the sizeable presence of medium and large sized businesses in the territory Source: “Register of companies – Chamber of Commerce”
The Agro-food in Emilia-Romagnarecent import export performance 2007 Import • Emilia-Romagna is the importer of 14% of total Italian imports of agro-food production Export • Emilia-Romagna is the exporter of 15% of Italian export of agro-food production • Regional agro-food growth in import of 9.7%, that is € 4,370 million, and represents 15% of total regional imports • Regional agro-food growth in export 5.2%, that is € 3,660 million and represents 8% of total regional exports.
Import and export: agriculture and food-industry
Export of agro-food industrial districts : 2007 trends • ID of fruit-juice and jam (Lugo-Ravenna) positive • IDof milk, dairy production and ice cream (Reggio – Emilia) good • Industrial (and traditional made) District of ham (Langhirano-Parma) positive • Industrial (and traditional made) District of parmigiano cheese (Parma) positive • ID Tomato production (Parma) positive • Industrial (and traditionally farmed) District of poultry (Romagna) positive • ID of animal feed, meat, and derivatives (Reggio-Emilia) less positive • ID of Food Machinery (Parma) gets better • ID of Automated machinery (Piacenza) gets better • ID of agricultural machinery (Modena and Reggio–Emilia) less positive • ID of packaging (Bologna) less positive
Industrial Districts, clusters and supply value chains, have a common base: the concept of aggregation among companies, which are independent and interconnected, and specialized in the different phases of the productive process. The development of Ids or clusters has to be based on the local resources and specializations and to the local context. The diversification of interconnected clusters can be a key issues. The factors that appear central to the successful development of this type of industrial cooperation are the networks and partnerships, the strong base of skills, the innovation and the capacity for R&D. The networks and the partnerships (public and private) generate formal and informal flows of knowledge and information exchange through interconnected companies Other relevant factors are the external environment favorable to businesses and the public policies supporting the development of the different forms and levels of aggregation among companies The industrial policies (financial and advanced services) have a relevant role in planning the development and in pushing company aggregations towards a higher quality of production and to a better link with market demand Conclusion
Governments role in planning local and sustainable development for a territory (Public-Private-Partnerships) ; An integrated approach, operating at different levels Agriculture specialization, art craft traditions, local demand of food, typical products business, regional/local players, regional/local institutions existing and new companies well linked to the different level of market demand (local, national, international) local clusters and policies: diversification, promotion of excellences and support to the weaker companies and aggregations innovation of local resources and specializations, following a general value chain approach (production, transformation, trade, interlinked industry and services, etc.) creation of business advisory service operating as local player for innovation An integrated and international partnership between territories or clusters can be a key factor for the development (companies, business support centres, players for innovation, public institutions, etc) Some suggestions for the African countries
Thank you for your attention! Claudia Degli Esposti Head of territorial marketing unit +39 051 6460 411 +39 338 2731632 cdegliesposti@ervet.it www.investinemiliaromagna.it