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Beginning Student Teaching Seminar Spring 04 The Center for Field Experiences and Partnerships. Bagwell College of Education. WELCOME! Dr. Ann Smith Associate Dean Bagwell College of Education.
Beginning Student Teaching SeminarSpring 04The Center for Field Experiencesand Partnerships Bagwell College of Education
WELCOME!Dr. Ann SmithAssociate Dean Bagwell College of Education
Dr. Vicki McLainDirectorCenter for Field Experiences & PartnershipsAssociate Professor of Elementary Education and Reading
Law and Ethics Preventing Legal Challenges for You and Your School Mr. Tony ArasiInstructorDepartment of Educational LeadershipKennesaw State University
Legal Questions and Advice (ask your principal) Be careful what you say Be careful what you do
Teacher Liability Supervision Discipline
Subpoenas and Court Appearances
Confidentiality of Student Records
DFACS Reporting/Investigations Suspected Abuse Allegations Against an Educator
Educator Code of Ethics http://www.gapsc.com/
Know the Law… Respect the Law… Do Not Fear the Law
Ms. Dalita BullockCareer Evaluation Counselor of EducationCareer Services Center770-423-6555http://careerctr.kennesaw.edu
Mr. Robert MaxsonProgram ManagerTeachGeorgia.orgGeorgia Professional Standards Commission
VELMA TAYLOR WELLS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Social Science Education Dr. Ann W. PullenFormer DeanCollege of Humanities and Social ScienceFormer Chair Department of History and Philosophy
Winner of theVELMA TAYLOR WELLS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPSocial Science EducationMs. Renee RainsSocial Studies Student Teacher
Mr. David BaugherTeacher Certification Officer Bagwell College of Education770/423-6043dbaugher@kennesaw.eduwww.gapsc.com
KSU Praxis Pass Rate Candidates for teacher certification in Georgia must pass the Praxis I and Praxis II tests. In Georgia, the Professional Standards Commission provides the Praxis pass rates for all teacher preparation units in the state to the U.S. Secretary of Education as mandated by the Higher Education Act of 1998. The pass rate, which is published as part of the Title II Teacher Preparation Report Card, was 96.4% for all KSU program completers for the 2001-2002 academic year.
Data Management System Use of Instruments
Reporting Forms and Rubrics • CPI (Candidate Performance Instrument) - Exit • Submitted Electronically • Completed at Midterm and Final by: • University Supervisor • Collaborating Teacher • Candidate • Portfolio Narrative • Impact on Student Learning Assignment
Data Management System Mr. Jim WrightInstructor Educational Technology Centerhttp://ksuetc.org
How do I access the Data Management System and complete/submit the CPI?
Visit KSU’s home page…www.kennesaw.edu To access Owl Registration
How does my Collaborating Teacher access the Data Management System and complete/submit the CPI?
Student Teacher’s Role: • Remind your collaborating teacher that he/she received a password via mail • Give your collaborating teacher your KSU ID# • Train your collaborating teacher how to: • Complete and submit the CPI-Exit at midterm • Complete and submit the CPI-Exit at the end of Student Teaching • You complete and submit the CPI-Exit at Midterm • You complete and submit the CPI-Exit at the end of Student Teaching
Ms. Mary Ruth RayProfessional Association of Georgia Educators
Ms. Anne Marie FentonAssistant DirectorCenter for Experiences and Partnerships
Professional Teacher Education Unit The Collaborative Development of Expertise in Teaching and Learning
Diversity Diversity Survey available at http://bcoe.kennesaw.edu/diversity/ Diversity check available at http://widenet.us/
Access our online newsletter at www.kennesaw.edu/education/CFEP
Ms. Diana PooreDirectorTeacher Resource and Activity Center (TRAC)770/423-6420www.kennesaw.edu/education/trac
3rd annual “ESOL” Conference“Bringing Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students to High Levels of Learning and Achievement” Keynote: Dr. Maria Ferrier, U.S. Dept of Education Wed., Feb. 4th - KSU Center Thurs., Feb. 5th - Dalton State College
Conference on Literature for Children and Adolescents Keynote Speakers: Jerry Pallotta, Christopher Paul Curtis, Linda Rief April 1, 2004 Contact: Dr. Pam Cole at pcole@kennesaw.edu