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AIJA Presentation of an association for career building lawyers & in-house counsel Lorenza Zannini National Representative of AIJA for Italy Presentation and Features AIJA was founded in 1962

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AIJA Presentation of an association for career building lawyers & in-house counsel Lorenza Zannini National Representative of AIJA for Italy

  2. Presentation and Features • AIJA was founded in 1962 • AIJA is the only global association devoted to career building lawyers and in-house counsel, i.e. aged 45 and younger • AIJA promotes professional cooperation and friendship worldwide through a wide range of meetings, including topic seminars • AIJA is recognised as the voice of the next generation (working closely with sister organisations, bars and public institutions)

  3. Key facts and figures • Approximately 3,000 members from more than 85 countries • Reaching over 80,000 lawyers • Members from 700 law firms of all cultures and sizes • Members from more than 60 corporations - all types of industries and size of departments • 21 working commissions • 20 events yearly around the world • Central link in the community on www.aija.org • AIJA yearbook, a work tool on all members' desks for daily use

  4. Benefits from joining AIJA • Know how and professional development: • access to cutting edge CLE-credited seminars at very attractive price • master negotiation and management skills and the ability to work and develop business in a multi-cultural environment • Network: • meet eye-to-eye with leading and to-be leading lawyers and in-house counsel, bar leaders and high-profile speakers from all over the world • develop a professional relationship based on personal acquaintance • International outlook: enhance international visibility and profile of your practise • Platform: set the foundations and develop an international legal career • International legal assistance

  5. AIJA membership conditions • Cost of membership depends on age: • €60 for lawyers under 25 years age (appr 90 USD) • €94 for lawyers under 30 years age (appr 150 USD) • €200 for lawyers under 45 years age (appr 300 USD) • Low seminar fees - lower for people under 35 • Age limit is 45 years – ensures that the organisation remains dynamic and young.

  6. AIJA - events second semester 2008


  8. AIJA – contact detailswww.aija.org Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats International Association of Young Lawyers President Duarte Athayde Abreu Advogados, Av. das Forcas Armadas 125 - 12th, PT-1600-079 Lisbon, Portugal Tel: + 351-217 231 800 - Fax: +351 217 231 899 - e:mail: duarte.athayde@abreuadvogados.com Immediate Past-President Pär Remnelid Vinge, östergatan 30, SE-203 13 Malmö, Sweden Tel: +46 40 664 55 00 - Fax +46 40 664 55 01- Email per.remnelid@vinge.se Vice-President Saverio Lembo Bär & Karrer SA, 12 quai de la Poste CH-1211 Genève Tel : +41-58-261.5700 Fax :+41-58-261.5701 - Email:s.lembo@baerkarrer.ch Executive Director Chris Raudonat, Avenue Louis Lepoutre 59/20, BE1050 Bruxelles, Belgium Tel: +32 2 347 33 34 - Fax: +32 2 347 55 22 - office@aija.org - www.aija.org

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