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This is my class review for October 1, 2015. I talked about citation and descriptive paragraph assignment.
121018 Jeong - Seob Lim English Writing 2 review class [ 2015. 09. 24 ]
1-1) How to give propercitations • 1) How to give proper citations Click Click ‘ APA ’ Choose the style that is suited for your citation
1-1) How to give propercitations • 1) How to give proper citations Click Fill in the blanks Use quotation sentence in your English writing
1-2) How to fully utilize Microsoft Word ? • 2) How to fully utilize Microsoft Word ? This site introduces the functions of Microsoft Word in detail. We can practice how to make it clear, specific, and concise .
1-3) Note of descriptive paragraph assignment • 3) Note of descriptive paragraph assignment 1 Topic sentence There is a clear topic and a general impression. Topic Controllingidea
1-3) Note of descriptive paragraph assignment • 3) Note of descriptive paragraph assignment 2 Supporting sentence Write a clear, specific, detailed, and concise description of the place. Make sure to create a basis for controlling idea. 3 Concluding sentence Repeat the idea stated in the topic sentence. Write very simply.
1-3) Note of descriptive paragraph assignment • 3) Note of descriptive paragraph assignment 4 Writing There are a variety of simple, compound, and complex sentences. Use the interesting and rich vocabulary. Reduce writing mistakes as many as possible. 5 Visual element Use a picture, graph, charts, etc... related to the paragraph.
1-3) Note of descriptive paragraph assignment • 3) Note of descriptive paragraph assignment 5 Visual element Follow proper paragraph form Make your paper look like this :
1-4) Cautions • 4) Cautions 1stdraft due on blog 23:59 Sat. Sept.26 (not email to g) Comments due 23:59 Tue. Sept. 29 (email to g) Final Draft due 23:59 Sat. Oct. 3 (email to g) Reference p.104 Adjectives p.112 Prepositions p.113 Prepositional phrases 100 Korean Adjectives with English Equivalents(Gary’s blog) Make sure we watch the lecture video on Wednesday.
※Reference • ※ Reference p.2 Warlick, D. (2000). Retrieved from http://www.citationmachine.net/ on September 29, 2015. p.3 Warlick, D. (2000). Retrieved from http://www.citationmachine.net/mla/cite-a-website/manual on September 29, 2015. Warlick, D. (2000). Retrieved from http://www.citationmachine.net/mla/cite-a-website?new=true on September 29, 2015. p.4 (1998). Retrieved from http://www.gcflearnfree.org/word2010 on September 29, 2015. p.5 Aldridge, G. (2015, September 24). English Writing 2. Lecture presented at Descriptive Paragraph Assignment in Gunjagwan, Seoul. p.8 "Introduce People." First Steps in Academic Writing. Ed. Ann Hogue. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. New York: Pearson Education, 2008. 8. Print.