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http://www.hotelcasasanagustin.com/en/home.html<br>Many airlines offer direct routes to Cartagena, Colombia. The historic walled city of Cartagena is a wonderful attraction. Casa San Agustine Hotel and Spa is a luxury hotel where you can get away in July and avoid the crowds.<br>
TOWN&COltiTRY THE ROYAL WEDDING STYLE TRAVEL POLITICS PHILANTHROPY SUBSCRIBE FOLLOW The Best Places to Go in July A posh Italian resort town. a far-flung summertime ski trip, and other getaways that are perfect for the month ahead. MORE FROM SUMMER IDEAS FOR YOUR NEXT VACATION, OUTFIT ESSENTIALS & MOREl b\· LINOSA\' SILBERMAN uml KARA THOMPSON MA'V 11, 2013 141 Craving a getaway but nol quite sure where to go? Here are ten w:mderlust 4worthy vacation ideas to put on your radar for July. Where to Spend Memorial Day Weekend 1 Cartagena, Colombia What to Pack for Memorial Day Weekend J:\ Best Cocktails For !vlcmorial Day As long as you can handle the heat (so to speak), planning a trip to Cartagena in july is a no·brainer. A number of airlines now offer direct routes- flights fi·om New York clock in at just under 5 hours- and. with no time diiTerence, visiting the seaside city over a long weekend is easier than ever. VVhat'.s more. you'll avoid the crowds that flock to the bustling port during the holidays. and also have your pick oft he litter when it comes to hotels. Among the be.st? Casa San Agustin, Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa and Tcherassi Hotel&: Spa- all located within the walls of the old city. Casa San Af!'ll.stin ' Hotel C!tarlestotJ Santa Tere.sa Tcherassi Hotel & Spa More: 5 Fabulous Pl;,ces to Visit in Au!(ust