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Success Planner

Parent Information Student Wall Planner and Study Guide. Success Planner. Student Wall Planner. CHARACTERISTICS Prepared in School colours with crest Durable – last the student their schooling life Easy to use and fully illustrated on reverse side

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Success Planner

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  1. Parent Information Student Wall Planner and Study Guide Success Planner

  2. Student Wall Planner • CHARACTERISTICS • Prepared in School colours with crest • Durable – last the student their schooling life • Easy to use and fully illustrated on reverse side • Simple to fill in, change, alter and update • Suitable for students Years 6 to 12 (+Uni) • Ideal communication tool for parents and student • Able to be used on a daily basis

  3. Real Benefits • Student Wall Planner allows PARENTS as PARTNERS with their child at home. • Students are de-stressed by developing a duplicated routine. • Staff have a reference to assist students.

  4. Positive Aspects • The entire package caters to the students’ three learning styles • Entire study skills package (13 topics) • The very latest educational study skills material • VisualPowerPoint presentations for each study skills topic • Simple but great marketing tool for your school

  5. Team Approach Student The Student Wall Planner works well with a constructive approach by school, parent and student. Parent School

  6. Student Wall Planner and Study Guide TheStudent Wall PlannerandMaster Study Guide Worksheets andPowerPoint Presentationsareverypowerfullearning toolsif usedcorrectly!

  7. Student Wall Planner • Why was it developed? • (1) Help students to be more organised in their daily homework and study routine • (2) Provide parents with a tool so they can be more actively involved in their child’s daily homework, study and learning process

  8. Study Wall Planner • Simple enough for all high school students to use • Place the Planner in the KITCHEN or similar place so parents can make regular reference to it – NOT in the student’s bedroom

  9. Study Guide Topics • 4 x CORE TOPICS • All students do each Year • Each topic about 40 minutes with students • 9 OTHER TOPICS • A couple of topics per Year Group • Each topic about 40 minutes with students

  10. 1 – Set Your Goals • With all Goal Setting there are three key points: • Be realistic with your goals • Set goals that are both positive and measurable • Develop strategies on how your goals are going to be achieved


  12. 2 – Learn How To Study • Study is: • A routine that you organise and use to achieve your very best • An activity that requires discipline

  13. 2 – Learn How to Study…. • What Study is • What Study is NOT! • Homework versus Study • Think About Your Homework and Study Habits • Checklist: Study

  14. Time Analysis Chart(Average student – hours per week)

  15. 2 - Analyse Your Time • When is the best time of the day to do Homework and/or Study: • Early in the morning before school? • After school – fresh in your mind? • In the evening after a meal and you are relaxed?

  16. Study Information Recall With a new concept being taught, if no study is done within 24 hours, on average, we can forget up to 80% of what was taught. However if the concept is studied within 24 hours it will take 7 days before 80% of the new concept is forgotten. If you study the new concept a second time, within 7 days, it takes 30 days to forget 80% of the new material.

  17. 2 - Study Record The Student Wall Planner has a Study Record section. Place a () in the box for each 30 minutesof study you do for each subject area. Many students find this progress method encouraging.



  20. 3 – Understand and Use Your Wall Planner • Often the case for improvement in study is NOT to study ‘harder’ but rather study ‘smarter’. • Effective study comes from both a will within a student and a supportive environment around the student that also pushes them to stick to their study activities and routine.

  21. 3 - Student Wall Planner • The planner is designed to: • Help students organise their time far more efficiently • Allow students to become more aware of their study commitments in terms of assignments and assessments • Allow parents to be part of their child’s studysupportroutine

  22. 3 - Plan for Success • An important part of study skills is being organised and seeing the bigger picture and set timelines • The Student Wall Planner allows students to map out their entire Term’s workin advance


  24. 4 – Prepare for Examinations (*) Longer than 40 minutes • Strategies that work OPS: • Organisation • Preparation and Practice • Study Skills

  25. 4 – Prepare for Examinations • Organisation • Prioritise: • Commitments/Balance • Manage Your Time: • Study Timetable • Allocate time per subject • Hold Yourself Accountable: • Track and monitor progress • Be Prepared: • Know about the exam • Rehearse each section • Rehearse each type of questions

  26. 4 – Prepare for Examinations • Preparation & Practice • Manage the Basics –Eating/rewards • Study Actively - Turn study into action • Take an Overview - Course & weighting • Target - Key concepts • Review Past Exam and Assessment Answers - Learn from your errors • Rehearsal

  27. 4 – Prepare for Examinations • Study Skills – Active Process by: • Reading – learn to read with purpose • Writing Skills – be active with your notes

  28. 4 – Prepare for Examinations • Exam Timeline Countdown • 2 – 6 weeks • The Day before the Examination • On the Day of the Examination • During the Examination • After the Examination • Examination Checklist

  29. Other Topics in the Study Guide • Recommendation: • Select 2 or 3 appropriate topics per year group • Use the material to supplement your current school resources • Cover the topics in Semester 2 • See proposed time spread

  30. 5 - Know Yourself Learning Style VAK • Find out which of the three learning styles suits you best: • (V) Visual – seeing and writing • (A) Auditory – listening • (K) Kinesthetic – motor skills – action and doing • Your best learning style will help you with increased data retention and Study.

  31. 5 - Know Yourself - Learning Behaviours • Knowing Your Dominant Intelligence(s). • Checklists • Graphing • Knowing Your Dispositions or • Habits of Mind

  32. 5 - Know Yourself - Learning Behaviours • Knowing Your Level of Independence/Dependence: • ACTIVE LearnerOR • PASSIVE Learner • Changing your Habits

  33. 6 – Handling Multiple Choice Tests • The Multiple Choice Tests • Structure of Multiple Choice Tests • General Test Strategies • Before Beginning the Test • During the Test • Studying for Multiple Choice Tests • Reading of the Test: • First time and the • Second time

  34. 6 – Coping with Test Anxiety • How Do I Know If I Have Test Anxiety? • What Can I Do About Test Anxiety? • Keys to Making Progress in Tests and Avoiding Anxiety and Stress

  35. 7 - Manage the Basics Your Study Environment Physical Space Your Body Exercise/Sleep/Diet Your Availability to Others Manage Peer to Peer Study Time Checklist

  36. 7 - Managing the Basics • Make sure your workstation is set to give you the best application and remember: • Good lighting • A comfortable chair • A desk that has enough room/shelving • Eating properly • Solid sleeping patterns • Email, Internet, TV, telephone • Routine • Family support • Friends support

  37. 8 – Motivate Yourself • What is My Current State of Motivation? Checklist • What is Motivation? • Type of Motivation • Theories of Motivation • So What Motivates You? Checklist • What is Study Motivation? • Regaining Motivation • Take the 5 minute Challenge – getting started and gaining momentum • Motivation Journal – Daily for 5 weeks

  38. Goals Feelings Thoughts Well –being Exercise Eating

  39. 8 – Motivate Yourself • Your motivation triggers: • INTRINSIC FACTORS (within learning) • interest in the particular assignment? • the need to know and learn? • the desire to improve? • seek knowledge because knowledge is power? • to be able to do the things you want to do in life? • to better yourself? • Also called MASTERY GOALS as they focus on mastering the work

  40. 8 – Motivate Yourself • EXTRINSIC FACTORS • (things outside the learning itself) • Want to make lots of money? • Want to do better than the others in the class? • Not want to let down your teacher? • Not want to disappoint your parents if you don't do well? • Not want to fail? • Also calledPERFORMANCEGOALSbecause they focus on achievement levels

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