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Instrument for Pre-Accession IPA

2. Summary of presentation. Objectives and principlesComponentsInstitution buildingRegional and cross-border co-operationRegional developmentHuman resources developmentRural developmentManagement of assistanceProgramming of assistanceProjectsImplementation of projectsTerminology. 3. Objectives and principles.

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Instrument for Pre-Accession IPA

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    1. 1 Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) A new framework for EC-funded assistance to Turkey in 2007-2013

    2. 2

    3. 3 Objectives and principles Overall objective: progressive alignment with the standards and policies of the EU, including the approximation/adoption of the acquis communautaire, with a view to membership. Scope: the EC-funded assistance under the new IPA will be provided in a number of areas, which in the case of Turkey (candidate country) are grouped in 5 Components These Components are important, because the assistance is programmed and the funding is firstly allocated at this level, at multi-annual as well as annual basis.

    4. 4 Components Institution building Regional and cross-border co-operation Regional development Human resources development Rural development

    5. 5 Component I - Institution building Stregthening democratic institutions (including local self-governments) and the rule of law Public administration reform (including the establishment of a system enabling decentralisation of assistance management DIS/EDIS system) Economic reform The promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and enhanced respect for minority rights The development of civil society Adoption and implementation of the acquis communautaire Participation in Community programmes and Agencies Co-ordination and catch-all function

    6. 6 Component II Regional and cross-border co-operation Support to regional, cross-border, transnational and inter-regional co-operation among candidate and pre-candidate countries and between them and the member states. Eligible goals and objectives: 1) fostering stability, security and prosperity in the mutual interest of the parties concerned; 2) Encouraging their harmonious, balanced and sustainable development This kind of co-operation will be co-ordinated with other Community instruments for cross-border, trans-national and inter-regional co-operation (i.e., under the New Neighbourhood Instrument). In the case of cross-border co-operation with EU member states, this component shall cover the regions on both sides of the respective (national) border or borders

    7. 7 EC-IPA assistance under this component will support policy development as well as preparation for the implementation and management of the Communitys cohesion policy. In particular, preparation for ERDF and Cohesion Fund. It will in particular contribute to the financing of the type of actions provided for under the Regulations on ERDF and Cohesion Fund. Institution building actions and projects in this area (regional de velopment) will also be supported by this component, as well as the technical assistance needed for programming and implementation of these funds. Component III Regional development

    8. 8 Component IV Human resources development Will support policy development as well as preparation for the implementation and management of the Community cohesion policy, in particular for the ESF. Will finance programmes and projects aimed at seting p adequate structures and systems for policy ad programme design, management and delivery Will finance the implementation of ESF-type activities, such as actions and projects on social inclusion, vocational education and training, and equality between men and women.

    9. 9 Will support Turkey on policy development as well as preparation for the implementation and management of Community Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In particular, it shall contribute to the sustainable adaptation of the agricultural sector and rural areas and Turkeys preparation for the implementation of the acquis communautaire concerning the CAP and related policies. In particular, it will contribute to the financing of the type of actions funded (in EU member states) by the EAGGF Guidance section, as well as IFOP However, the range of actions to be supported may be somehow different from those in EU members states, so that actions no longer eligible under the new EAGGF in member states may nevertheless be eligible in Turkey (under IPA-V). Component V Rural development

    10. 10 Management of assistance (I) Main responsibility rests with the European Commission (which is accountable to Council and EP) There will be several management committees in Busels. For Components I and II the Committee will be the former PHARE Committee, located at DG Enlargement and now renamed Transition Assistance and Institution Building Committee The assistance will be allocated by the EC on the basis of a multi-annual indicative framework per component ad per country. The basic policy document setting the priorities for programming the assistance will be the Accesion Partnership (for Turkey, the latest version was adopted by the Council of the EU on 23 January 2006; and includes ensure effective, transparent and participatory local government, in particular through the implementation of the recently adopted legislation, as one of the short-term priorities under Democracy and the rule of law)

    11. 11 Assistance will be managed in accordance with rules on External Aid set down in the ECs Financial Regulation. Assistance will be managed in various ways (centralised direct or indirect management, decentralised management in varous stages or joint management with international organizations) For Components I and II (Institution building and Cross-border) most of it (National Programmes) will be managed under DIS or EDIS rules (CFCU) Assistance under IPA may finance investments (works and supplies), grants, interest rate subsidies, special loans and loan guarantees, budgetary support and other forms of budgetary aid, and the contribution to the capital of international financial institutions or regional development banks. Management of assistance (II)

    12. 12 There is a differentiation between regional or multi-country programmes (usually managed by the Commission, one of its agencies such as EAR or an international organization such as OECD/SIGMA) and the national programmes. National programmes for Components I and II are prepared annually, based in the priorities set forth in the AP and the requests for assistance formulated by potential beneficiaries (co-ordinated by the EU Secretariat). The annual programming cycle usually starts in the month of September of the previous year (i.e. In September 2006, preparations for the 2007 programme will be started). The annual programme is endorsed by the management Committee (Brussels) Then the Commission services prepare a draft Financing Memorandum which will be signed by the EC and the Turkish authorities (NAO) National programmes are subdivided in sub-programmes or objectives. Each one of these provides a framework for a number of Projects. Programming of assistance (I)

    13. 13 Programming of assistance (II) Up to now (under the Pre-accession instrument for Turkey, 2002-2006), the basic structure of sub-programmes was: Addressing political criteria (since 2005, this sub-programme also includes Justice, Freedom and Security, as well as general public administration reform issues) Harmonisation with the acquis (internal market, etc.). Now it includes projects on law approximation and institution building in specific sectors covered by the EU policies. Strengthening public administration (institution-building projects in various administrative sectors) Economic and social cohesion: economic and regional development, social protection, etc. Support to structures co-ordinating European integration process and managing EU assistance (since 2005, also support to civil society dialogue) However, this structure may change once the new Instrument for Pre-accession (IPA) comes into force as of the next programming cycle (2007 programme).

    14. 14 Projects Projects are the basic unit for arranging the EC-funded assistance in any given field. Projects are usually a complex of actions needed for the achievement of a limited number of specific short-to-medium term objectives (project purposes), which in turn contribute to the accomplishment of a more general objective (in the long term). Projects may envisage a combination of different types of actions for which implementation financial assistance is being requested (usually, external technical assistance and training, co-financing of investments and some times also the funding of grant schemes). Consequently, implementation of the various components of a project normally requires several separate contracts or instruments (Twinning, TA or services contract, supply and works contracts, grant contracts). For each project, the main beneficiary institution has to appoint a SPO (responsible for technical management and monitoring of implementation). Usually, a public official of the relevant Ministry or public institution. The basis of the preparation of a Project is the so-called Logical Framework (a process, as well as one of the key project documents).

    15. 15 Implementation of projects As a rule, implementation of assistance projects to be managed by Turkey under DIS (CFCU) will be done through service, supply, works or grant contracts. Procurement procedures are governed by detailed guidelines issued by the EC, in accordance with the rules on External Aid laid down in the EUs Financial Regulations (PRAG) Other administrative co-operation measures involving public sector experts dispatched from member states may also be used for the provision of technical assistance (TWINNING). This type of assistance is subject to specific rules (Twinning Manual). It is also possible to implement EC-funded assistance through Direct Agreements with other International Organizations.

    16. 16 Terminology NAC (National Aid Co-ordinator) NAO (National Authorising Officer) IA (Implementing Agency) PAO (Programme Authorising Officer) SPO (Senior Programme Officer) FM (Financing Memorandum) PF (Project Fiche) RTA (Resident Technical Advisor) PRAG (Practical Guide for Contract Procedures) TD (Tender Dossier) ToR (Terms of Reference) / TS (Technical Specifications)

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