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Generate lead with the best assistance of email by going for the extension called SuiteCRM Email to Lead which can even allow you to assign a task to your team too. Parse the chance to map your field for generating more leads via Email to Lead addon.
SUITECRM EMAIL TO LEAD “Email to lead Plugin from Outright” will perform this for your SugarCRM or SuiteCRM. What is Email to Lead? Anaccuratemethodtoparsemoreleadswiththe assistanceoftheemailprocess. Getawareof EmailtoLeadextensionwherecreatingrecordsis possiblefordifferentmodules. Moreover, assign taskstoyourteammemberswhenusingEmailto Leadaddonforyourbusinesswork. Features of Email to Lead Createrecordsviainboundemail Notificationwillbereceived Parseemaildescription Assigntasktoyourteam Mappingyourfield About Company OutrightStorehasbeenworkingintheCRM industryforthelast12yearsastheyhavewell- versedSuite & SugarCRMteamwhocanassist youregardinganytaskrelatedtothat. Outright Storehassomeadvancedproductsthatare excellenttogrowyourbusinessmore. “Selling a worth product is better than selling a product” VI SI TUSATSTORE. OUTRI GHTCRM. COM