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Windows taskbar is useful and allows you to easily access all your systemu2019s applications. It also provides you information such as date and time, Start Menu and Notification Area and all currently running or pinned programs to offer you smooth and efficient multitasking.<br><br>https://promptresolve.com/operating-system/taskbar-not-hiding-after-full-screen-windows-10/
12/7/2020 Taskbar not hiding after full screen Windows 10 – PromptResolve Spam Score: PA:13 0links DA:19 PromptResolve promptresolve.com TaskbarnothidingafterfullscreenWindows10 Windows taskbar is useful and allows you to easily access all your system’s applications. It also provides you information such as date and time, Start Menu and Notification Area and all currently running or pinned programs to offer you smooth and efficient multitasking. But sometimes, you may want to hide the taskbar, such as when you are using system in full screen. You may experience that your taskbar simply refuses to hide or pops up when you don’t want it. Check few methods by which your this problem can besolved. Whyismytaskbarnotauto-hiding? Is your taskbar still appear after switching to full screen? Or, you may want to know how to hide taskbar Windows 10 when full screen video or game. This is one of the most common problems that many Windows 10 users may face and this makes them inconvenientto
12/7/2020 Taskbar not hiding after full screen Windows 10 – PromptResolve use full-screen programs. Sometimes, the problem might be caused due to defaultoption for a program in full screen which you need to adjust manually if it is causingissue. Sometimes, third-party applications and software installed in your system may make some changes in your computer settings. In such a case, uninstall them to resolve the issue. After uninstalling, check whether the problem is solved. If yes, install them again fromthemanufacturer’swebsitetofixaudioandvideooutofsyncwindows10 Quickfixesfortaskbarnothidingproblem You can apply various full screen shortcut Windows 10 to open your application in full screen, especially while playing games or watching videos. But if your taskbar is still appearing even navigating to full screen, apply any of the following methods to resolveit: Method1:Enabletheauto-hidefeature Windows system has an auto-hiding the taskbar feature which makes your system to hide the taskbar when any application does not need it. Auto-hiding the taskbar can help you to resolve many taskbar related when you switch to full screen Windows 10. To auto- hide the taskbar, all you need to dois: Right-clickonemptyspaceofyoursystem’staskbarandchoosePropertiesoptionfromthe contextmenu. Now, the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties window will appear on your screen.Locate the
12/7/2020 Taskbar not hiding after full screen Windows 10 – PromptResolve check thecheckboxadjacenttoAuto-hidethetaskbaroptiontoenableit. Click on Apply button followed by click on OK button. Method2:RestartWindowsExplorer Restarting the Windows File Explorer is one of the simplest methods to resolve your issue. You need to follow the steps given below to restart the Windows FileExplorer. Press Ctrl + Shift + Escape keys simultaneously to open Windows TaskManager.
12/7/2020 Taskbar not hiding after full screen Windows 10 – PromptResolve Locate Windows Explorer in the pop window that appeared onscreen. Left-clickontheWindowsExplorerprocessandchoosetherestartoptionfromthecontext menu.
12/7/2020 Taskbar not hiding after full screen Windows 10 – PromptResolve Many users claimed that applying the above methods can help you hide your taskbar showing infull-screen. Method3:DisableVisualeffectsonWindows Sometimes turning off the visual effects can also help you to resolve the taskbar showing in full-screen problem. In such a case, you can turn off visual effects by applying below- givenmethods: Press Windows + R keys and type Control Panel in the Run dialogue box and hitenter. Next, click on the “System and Security”option. Select “Advanced system settings” from the left navigation pane.
12/7/2020 Taskbar not hiding after full screen Windows 10 – PromptResolve Now, from the “Settings” option, click on the “Adjust for BestPerformance”. Click on OK button to save your changes. After that, close thescreen. Once you are done with the above steps, restart your system as restarting can solve many other issues aswell. If your taskbar doesn’t hide even with the above methods, try to override the high-DPI scaling behavior in Chrome which can resolve your problem and may hide the taskbar in full-screenmode.