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Tampere and Tredu. On the banks of the Rapids. City of Tampere. Founded in 1779, by Gustav III, the King of Sweden by the Tammerkoski rapids Leading industrial city of Finland since the beginning of 19th century (textile, paper, engineering industries)
City of Tampere • Founded in 1779, by Gustav III, the King of Sweden by the Tammerkoski rapids • Leading industrial city of Finland since the beginning of 19th century (textile, paper, engineering industries) • The largest inland city of the Nordic countries • Tampere has 225 319 inhabitants (31.1.2016), 3rd largest city in Finland (1.Helsinki, 2.Espoo, 3.Tampere) • 2/3 of the Finns live within 200 km range from Tampere
Tampere Region (Pirkanmaa) Tampere Region has 506 307 inhabitants (29.2.2016), 2nd largest county in Finland, 9% Finnish population
VocationalEducation and Training in Finland • In Finland VET is mostly provided by educational institutions, but apprenticeship training is also available. • In total there are 116 study programmes leading to 52 different qualifications. • The qualifications have been developed in co-operation with working life representatives. • Young people apply for VET in the national joint application system (www.haenyt.fi) • National steering and guidelines for the quality management
Three levels of vocationaleducation and training • Vocational qualifications indicate competence to enter employment in the field. • Further vocational qualifications indicate the vocational skills required of skilled workers in the field (usually several years of work experience after vocational qualification). • Specialist vocational qualifications indicate a command of the most demanding tasks in the field.
Tredu • 21 campus areasaround Tampere Region (Tampere, Nokia, Ylöjärvi, Lempäälä, Orivesi, Kangasala, Virrat, Ikaalinen, Pirkkala) • 1200 staffmembers • 8000 IVT students • 10 000 furthertrainingstudents • annualturnover 131 543 000€
International activities • Tredu is actively taking part in International projects and other activities • Erasmus+ (KA1, KA2) • Nordplus • Network projects financed by National Board of Education (e.g. China, India, Russia, Japan…) • ”Internationalization at Home” – cooperation with twin schools and cities (eTwinning), international visitors and exchange students, cooperation with the students in preparatory training for immigrants
The Erasmus+ programme aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernising Education, Training, and Youth work. • The programme covers the whole spectrum of education, targeting pupils and students; teachers, trainers and other teaching staff; as well as organisations and other bodies involved in education and training. • Key Action 1 (KA1) = Mobility projects • Key Action 2 (KA2) = Strategic partnerships, development
International cooperation in Tredu since 1980’s • In the 1980’s the campuses were individual units and they had their own projects and ideas of international cooperation • Mainly development projects funded by the Finnish Board of Education
By thebeginning of the 21st centurythevolumehadgrownsignificantly - Developmentprojects (languageteaching and culturalthemes) - Mobilityprojects - Developmentprojects for developingcountries
Central themes through the entire 21st century have been; • quality management in vocational education • virtual learning and teaching • vocational skills competitions • cooperation with working life
Current Erasmus+ projects • KA1 and KA2 • KA1 2015-2017 over 200 mobilities covering all units, students, staff and working life representatives • KA2 2015-2018 aiming to develop the practices of international workshop learning in modern business environments
What is the benefit of international partnership to the pupils achievements? • ”I experienced so much during my mobility. I feel I have now a realistic idea about the differences between these two countries in everyday life, travel, child care, culture, customs…” • ”I learned so much of the local language that I could manage in shops, traveling and in short conversations. After 2,5 weeks I did not have to refer to English. It all depends naturally on my own interest and motivation” • ”I was surprised how I fell in love with Portugal. I would never have thought I would become fond of any southern countries – I’ve never worshipped palm trees! This mobility has made me think of returning to Portugal and Coimbra, which out of all the cities I visited woke the most positive feelings in me”. • I started off my trip with an open mind. I expected I would learn to manage on my own and improve my English skills. I’m very happy to say that all my expectations came true. • The place was really nice and I really liked the work placement, too. Work was actually the best thing for me during my stay; I made new friends, I learned new skills and, most importantly, I learned a lot about myself. I am now a more confident and courageous language speaker, too . I’m really happy that I chose to do this!
Contactinformation Tampere Vocational College Tredu (Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto Tredu) P.O. Box 217 FI-33101 Tampere, FINLAND Tel. +358 3 565 617 (switch board) Emails: name.surname@tampere.fi anne.patana@tampere.fi Internet: www.tredu.fi International Relations Office Ritva Haveri ( +358 50 572 8707) Thomas Scherrer (+358 40 806 4199) Anna-Maija Siirtonen ( +358 40 800 4018)