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The activities are an ideal introduction to badminton. The activities are designed to provide success for all ... The BADMINTON England Development Department 01908 268400 or ...
INTRODUCTION • The activities are an ideal introduction to badminton • The activities are designed to provide success for all • The activities provide scope for extension and differentiation • The festivals also align with the national curriculum by providing opportunities to: • Acquire and develop skills • Select and apply skills and tactics • Evaluate and improve performance, whilst developing teamwork. • Positive early years experiences lead to increased likelihood of lifelong participation
LOGISTICS • Activities for KS1 are: • Fancy Footwork 1 • All Change • Target practice • Shuttle relay • Rapid retrieve • Each activity lasts 4 minutes, with 1 minute practice/walk through before scoring starts • It would be beneficial to organise volunteers from older pupils, secondary schools/ local clubs with Badminton Junior Helpers Award or Sports Leaders Award to be court monitors.
Shuttle Relay • The objective of this game is to pass the shuttle down the line from racket to racket, avoiding the use of hands. • One point is scored each time the shuttle reaches the last person in the line D. • When the shuttles reaches the end of the line D, the child runs to A to begin a new cycle. • If the shuttle falls onto the floor the child can place it back on their own racket and continues the cycle. • PROGRESSION: Children complete the cycle, passing the shuttle using backhand grip (palm down).
Shuttle Relay D Kit Required: 4 rackets 2 shuttles C B 1 Metre A
Rapid Retrieve • A runs to red spot, picks up a shuttle, places it in one of the yellow spots, and then runs to the end of the line behind D. • As soon a A tags D, B runs to collect a shuttle and so on. • When the cycle is completed and D returns to the end of the line, A runs to a yellow hoop, collects a shuttle and returns it to the red spot before joining the end of the line. • As soon a A tags D, B runs to collect a shuttle and so on. • One point is scored for each shuttle correctly placed on the spot markers throughout the activity. • PROGRESSION: Non-racket hand pick-up only.
Rapid Retrieve A B C D Kit Required: 5 spot markers (4 of one colour) 4 shuttles
Target Practice • A and B stand behind the service line and hit underarm towards their target. • After six shots C and D collect the shuttles and change places with their partner. • Five points are scored for each shuttle which land in the bowl (yellow), two points are scored for each shuttle which land in the large hoop (red). Shuttles must land and stay within target areas to scores points. • PROGRESSION: 1. Target distance increased by A hitting towards target D, B hitting towards target C. 2. Decreasing the size of the target area.
Target Practice Kit Required: 2 large hoops 2 small hoops/bowls 2 rackets 12 shuttles D B A C
Fancy Footwork 1 • A zigzags forwards and backwards through the yellow spot markers. • A moves to the service line to catch a shuttle from C, which A then throws over the net at the hoop target. • A then move along the service line using the grapevine movement before catching a shuttle from D and throwing over the net at the hoop target. • A then chasses down the sideline, before sidestepping across the backline. As soon as A has received the first shuttle B can begin the activity. • A and B complete two full cycles and then swap places with C and D. • One point is scored for each complete cycle, one point for each clean catch and one point for each target hit. • PROGRESSION: Incorporate ladders and low hurdles with a variety of different movement patterns e.g. two step forwards, one step back / hop scotch.
Fancy Footwork 1 B A Kit Required: 2 large hoops 5 spot markers 2 shuttles C Sidestep Grapevine D Chasse
All Change • A throws shuttle underarm to C and then changes places with B. • C throws the shuttle to B and then changes places with D. • B throws the shuttles to D and changes places with A and so on. • Children count out loud the number of passes completed, and record their highest score. • PROGRESSION: 1.Over arm throws using an increased distance. 2. Racket hand or non racket hand only catches. 3. Clap before you catch
All Change D Change Places Kit Required: 2 shuttles or balls Change Places C Throw Throw A Change Places Change Places B
Bisi Festival Key Stage 1Thank you for your help in organising Bisi Festivals, if you require any further assistance please contact: The BADMINTON England Development Department – 01908 268400 or development@badmintonengland.co.uk