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Ten Opportunities

Bicycle Friendly Communities. 9. A Dynamic, Organized Movement. 2008 National Bike Summit ... 5. Bicycling Becoming Mainstream. Thank you. Tim Blumenthal/Gary ...

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Ten Opportunities

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bikes Belong Coalition Ten Reasons Bicycling’s New Golden Age is About to Begin… …and Five Forces Threatening to Stop It Tim Blumenthal/Gary Sjoquist Bikes Belong

  2. Ten Opportunities

  3. 1. Friends on Capitol Hill Congressman James Oberstar (D-MN)

  4. 2. Federal Bike Spending Up $4.5 billion $2.0 billion $895 million $41 million 1991 – 1998 ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act 1998 - 2005 TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century 2005 - 2009 SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users

  5. 3. Obesity Crisis Needs a Solution Obesity Trends among U.S. Adults 1990 1998 2006 No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30% Source: CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

  6. 4. Bike-Share Programs on a Roll Paris’ Vélib Freewheelin at the Republican National Convention

  7. 5. Aging Baby Boomers w/ Bad Knees are Turning to Cycling

  8. 6. An Invested Bike Industry

  9. 7. A Viable Transportation Option Nearly 40 percent of all trips in the U.S. are two miles or less. $4/gallon gasoline

  10. 8. Motivated Communities Bicycle Friendly Communities Platinum Davis, CA Boulder, CO Portland, OR Gold Corvallis, OR Fort Collins, CO Jackson and Teton County, WY Madison, WI Palo Alto, CA San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA Stanford University, CA Tucson/East Pima Region, AZ Plus 64 Bronze Silver Arlington, VA Austin, TX Bellingham, WA Chicago, IL Colorado Springs, CO Durango, CO Eugene, OR Folsom, CA Gainesville, FL Minneapolis, MN Missoula, MT Olympia, WA Presidio of San Francisco, CA San Luis Obispo, CA Santa Barbara, CA Santa Cruz, CA Scottsdale, AZ Steamboat Springs, CO Tempe, AZ Wood River Valley, ID

  11. 9. A Dynamic, Organized Movement 2008 National Bike Summit

  12. 10. Smart Growth Alternatives Complete Streets New Urbanism

  13. Five Threats

  14. 1. Suburban Sprawl

  15. 2. Incomplete Streets

  16. 3. Car Culture

  17. 4. Sedentary Lifestyles/Fear of Failure

  18. 5. Economic Uncertainty 1 = $1.46 2007 Federal Deficit = $163 billion Economic meltdown/credit crisis Dow Jones Industrial Average 13,000 12,000 11,000 Oct. 2007 September 2008

  19. Tipping Points

  20. 1. Federal Transportation Funding T4 New administration

  21. 2. Bike Rental Systems in U.S. SmartBike DC Paris’ Vélib

  22. 3. Rising Gas Prices

  23. 4. Safe Routes to School

  24. 5. Bicycling Becoming Mainstream

  25. Bikes Belong Coalition Thank you Tim Blumenthal/Gary Sjoquist Bikes Belong

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