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Homes For Sale Avondale Jacksonville FL

Traditions Realty LLC is a full service remarkable real estate agency specializing in residential and commercial sale, including Commercial Real Estate in Avondale, Houses For Sale in Ortega, Riverside, San Macro Jacksonville FL.<br>

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Homes For Sale Avondale Jacksonville FL

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  1. Real EstateListing Residential & CommercialProperties

  2. Traditions RealtyLLC. Traditions Realty,LLC No.1RealEstateCompanyinNorthFlorida WHY CHOOSE TRADITIONSREALTY To Buy? To Sell? To Rent? We can helpyouif you are looking for a home toraise your growing family, an investmentpropertyto maximize your return, or a condoat the beach to experience the Floridalifestyle. SPECIALIZATIONS We Specialize in residential& commercial property sales,as well astenant placement and propertymanagement.

  3. Traditions RealtyLLC. KeyServices BUY/SELL Buyahome,SellaHome,Buy/SellCommerical RENT/LEASE Rentaproperty,Manageaproperty,Commerical PROPERTY ANDPORTFOLIOMANAGEMENT We provide property managers and rental agents that have real world experience owning, renting, and managing condos, single family homes, townhouses, apartmentsandcommercialspacesintheJacksonville area.

  4. Traditions RealtyLLC. CLIENTTESTIMONIALS “Traditions takes all the work out of renting your property. They do all the advertising,andshowingofyourproperty.IhaveworkedwithBethKingforyears andsheisveryprofessionalandknowshowtogetthejobdone.Beth’sknowledge andexperienceintherealestatemarkethasmadeallofmybusinesstransactions run smoothly. I highly recommend Traditions Realty whether you are buying or selling, renting or looking to rent, Traditions can meet your needs.” – Eileen Dolaghan “If you are looking for a place to rent or a place to own, this is a great place to do both!IworkwithSachaandEric,haveknownthemforyearsandIalsohavesome cross-saleswithotherfolkswhoworkintheoffice.TheydotheBESTjobforthose lookingforaplacetoliveinRiversideAvondale.Nicestpeopleyouwillevermeet!” – ElisabethBobeck

  5. Traditions RealtyLLC. COMMERCIAL FORSALE Lookingforaplaceforyourbusiness?Wehavecommercialpropertiesfor sale in Jacksonville, FL. Find a new office, shop, restaurant or place of business to suit yourneeds. PROPERTYSIZE LOCATION PRICE

  6. Traditions RealtyLLC. LOCATION 7146 BEACHBLVD JACKSONVILLE, FL32216 MLS# 1031833 PRICE $400,000 PROPERTYSIZE 2361sqft Status:Sold COMMERCIALPROPERTY

  7. Traditions RealtyLLC. LOCATION 7146 BEACHBLVD JACKSONVILLE, FL32216 MLS# 1031833 PRICE $400,000 PROPERTYSIZE 2361sqft Status:Sold COMMERCIALPROPERTY

  8. Traditions RealtyLLC. LOCATION 7146 BEACHBLVD JACKSONVILLE, FL32216 MLS# 1031833 PRICE $400,000 PROPERTYSIZE 2361sqft Status:Sold COMMERCIALPROPERTY

  9. Traditions RealtyLLC. LOCATION 7146 BEACHBLVD JACKSONVILLE, FL32216 MLS# 1031833 PRICE $400,000 PROPERTYSIZE 2361sqft Status:Sold COMMERCIALPROPERTY

  10. Traditions RealtyLLC. LOCATION 7146 BEACHBLVD JACKSONVILLE, FL32216 MLS# 1031833 PRICE $400,000 PROPERTYSIZE 2361sqft Status:Sold COMMERCIALPROPERTY

  11. Traditions RealtyLLC. ContactDetails TRADITIONS REALTY,LLC 1046 RiversideAvenue, Jacksonville, Florida32204 904.683.5230 WWW.TRADITIONSJAX.COM

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