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Khuram Shahzad Dubai Diamonds

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Khuram Shahzad Dubai Diamonds

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  1. Khuram Shahzad Dubai Diamonds Khuram Shahzad Diamonds: Real lab-grown diamonds have constantly offered the tantalizing prospect of making the beauty of true, real diamond affordable to jewelry lovers around the world. Unfortunately there is still a large gap between typical media articles and the reality of what diamond growing labs can actually grow as of November 2009. White Diamonds: Since our last article in 2007, there has been minimal progress on larger, lab grown white diamonds, though not for lack of effort by scientists. Buying a 2ct, real gem grade, lab grown white diamond is currently about as likely as you encountering a unicorn...the reality is neither, as of November 2009, currently exist. There are only two labs that have publicly noted that they are working on growing white lab diamonds for the consumer market at this time. While one lab has had a few as large as 1ct, these were rare occurrences and not readily reproducible to date. Even after years of research and effort, the typical diamond produced is less than.50ct, and often the color is below the typical gem grade white mined diamond. The few that are available typically sell for the same price as or higher than a comparable natural mined white diamond and wait times for larger sizes (.75ct and higher) can exceed one year with no guarantee of if or when you will be able to purchase. Because of this disparity between supply and demand for real lab grown white diamonds, there are still a number of CZ sellers who run ads, likely even showing next to this article, proclaiming 'Flawless Man Made Diamonds', 'Perfect Lab Created Diamonds' or similar false claims. These are unethical sellers peddling ordinary CZ under bait and switch advertising tactics. Their product is not actual lab grown diamond (carbon), but rather CZ (cubic zirconium), a widely available simulated diamond material that mimics the look of white diamond, but is not real diamond. Plain CZ has been available since the 1980s and is nothing new to the jewelry market. The only twist is how many sellers have succeeded in taking advantage of the consumer’s knowledge gap between media articles over-proclaiming the availability of real lab grown diamonds, and the limits of what truly is available in real lab created white diamond. Blue Diamonds: Lab grown blue diamonds are the one high point of the current lab diamond market. Natural mined blue diamonds are created when grown in the presence of boron, which accounts for their rare and unique blue color. Mined blue diamonds showing a rich, saturated blue color (Fancy Vivid Blue is the diamond term) of any reasonable size are exceedingly rare, and when available are nearly always sold via auction (Sotheby or Christies) in order for the seller to obtain maximum value for what will likely be a once in a lifetime sale. As a result, natural vivid blue diamonds can command prices from $565,000 per carat to as high as $1.3 Million dollars per carat. A vivid blue diamond at auction is a media event, and regularly covered as such by the press due to the extreme rarity, beauty and eye popping prices presented by mined blue diamonds.

  2. The good news for diamond lovers not on the Forbes 500 richest list, is that as of two months ago, real lab grown blue diamonds are entering the market in sizes from.50ct to as high as 1.00ct. Supply is still quite tight, with an average of 5-10 Vivid Blues per month becoming available, but it is the first time such an option has even been available on a consistent basis. Just like mined blue diamonds, lab created blue diamonds are grown in the presence of boron in conditions identical to what happens under the earth (high pressure and high temperature) and they are the chemical, optical, and physical equivalent - the only difference is where they were born. The pricing on lab grown blue diamonds ranges from $5000/carat to as high as $10,000/carat ($2500 is an average price for a.50ct stone). Not cheap, but an incredible bargain compared to the pricing of the mined equivalent. One point of mentioning pricing here is to show the contrast between real lab grown diamond, and the CZ's being sold as 'lab grown diamond' for $150/ct. $150/ct would not even cover the costs of cutting the material, and thus by pricing alone you can readily discern which sellers are selling real lab created diamonds versus engaging in bait and switch advertising. Pink diamonds: Lab grown pink diamonds are an area that presents disappointing news. There is currently no available supply of new pink diamonds, and those consumers who were able to purchase one of the very few pink diamonds over.50ct in the past should be very glad they purchased when they did. The only lab that produced pinks has stopped production, and no other lab has stepped in. Thus, the only top color pinks available are the remainders of past production, which are virtually all below.25ct in size.

  3. The reason for this is not lack of demand, as lab grown pink diamonds over.50ct were in extremely high demand, with wait times measured in months for the option to purchase. Rather, it is the difficulty of producing the desired pure pink or purplish pink color. Pink in lab grown diamonds is due to the creation of what are called "Nitrogen vacancy centers". Basically, within the carbon lattice, you have to coax a nitrogen atom and a gap in the carbon lattice to sit next to each other. Doing so is anything but consistent, and the result is most of the lab grown pinks come out off pink or have gaps within the diamond coloration where parts are yellow or clear, and parts are pink (color zoning)...thus only a small percentage of production is the truly prized, even and rich pink color, and the diamond grower is left with far more unsellable 'off- pinks' than finished and sellable rich pink diamonds. Yellow diamonds: Lab grown yellow diamonds were the first type of lab grown diamond available to consumers (around 2002) and their arrival is what sparked most of the media coverage on lab diamonds. In total, five labs ended up producing yellow diamonds for sale to the jewelry market. However, since then, only two remain as the others have ceased yellow diamond production. The reason? Similar to pinks, producing the pure yellow that consumers expect proved to be very difficult. Most lab grown yellow diamonds are in fact either orange-yellow or brownish yellow. Achieving a pure, vibrant 'canary' yellow was a rarity. As a result, most of the labs production ended up being orangey-yellow goods that sat stockpiled at jewelers who were unable to sell these diamonds to consumers who expected pure yellow diamonds. With minimal demand for what they could consistently produce, and no easy way to grow the pure yellow consumers wanted, the result was the exiting of most of the producers from the business of producing lab yellow diamonds. Visit here https://ksdiamondsdmcc.tumblr.com/ to know more info.

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