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Stem Kits & its benefits

Stem kits provide a great way of learning for children especially the basic fundamentals of their subjects.

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Stem Kits & its benefits

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  1. STEM Kits & its benefits

  2. Stem kits • STEM kits are educational toys that helps children to learn more about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in a practical way along with real life application • It helps learn more about the basic fundamentals of the subjects with hands on learning

  3. Education • STEM kits provide in-depth understanding rather than the theoretical education system we have today • The children study what’s in the book but never get to use them in real life and relate their theoretical knowledge • STEM Toys are a great way to reinforce the importance of learning in a fun way

  4. The aim of education is not knowledge but action -Herbert spencer 1

  5. Importance • STEM toys offer a great starting point as they help children develop problem-solving skills using creativity, collaborative work, and logic. • They develop divergent thinking and imagination, something you don’t often get with just sports and video games

  6. Benefits • Enhances creativity • Boosts innovative thinking • Develops concentration • Helps in brain development

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