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Going Back to Work While Breastfeeding

The decision to return to work after having a baby is a difficult one. For working mothers who are breastfeeding, the choice can be even more complicated. On one hand, you want to provide for your family and contribute to the household income.

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Going Back to Work While Breastfeeding

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  1. Going Back to Work While Breastfeeding The decision to return to work after having a baby is a difficult one. For working mothers who are breastfeeding, the choice can be even more complicated. On one hand, you want to provide for your family and contribute to the household income. On the other hand, you don’t want to give up the bonding experience of nursing your baby. So, what’s a working mother to do? There are a few things working mothers who are breastfeeding can do to make the transition back to work easier for both themselves and their babies. First, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation with your employer about your needs as a nursing mother. You may need to take breaks during the day to pump or have access to a private space for pumping. Your employer should be accommodating of your needs and understand that you’re still committed to your job. Also Read: Your Ultimate Guide on Breastfeeding If you’re a breastfeeding mom who is thinking about returning to work, you might be wondering how you’ll make it work. Can you continue to breastfeed when you’re away from your baby during the day? The answer is yes—but it takes a little bit of planning. Here’s what you need to know about going back to work while breastfeeding

  2. Expressing Milk at Work One of the challenges of breastfeeding while working is that you’ll need to find time to express milk during the day. Ideally, you should aim to express milk every 2-3 hours, or whenever your baby would normally feed. Many offices these days are equipped with lactation rooms where moms can go to pump in privacy; if your office doesn’t have one, see if there’s a place you can use that’s quiet and private Storing Milk at Work Once you’ve expressed milk, you’ll need somewhere to store it until you can get home to your baby. If possible, keep a small cooler bag with ice packs in your office so that you can store milk safely. If that’s not possible, see if there’s a refrigerator available that others can also use—just be sure to label your milk with your name and the date so that no one accidentally uses it. Additionally, it’s important to have a good support system in place at home. This might mean enlisting the help of a family member or friend to watch your baby while you’re at work or hiring a professional caregiver who is experienced in working with breastfeeding mothers. Whichever route you choose, make sure you are comfortable with the person who will be watching your baby and that they are aware of your breastfeeding goals. Finally, be prepared with everything you need to pump while you’re away from home. This includes a breast pump, bottles, storage bags, and a cooler bag for transporting milk. It’s also helpful to have extra clothes in case of leaks and plenty of snacks and water on hand to keep up your energy levels. By being prepared and staying organized, you can make going back to work while breastfeeding manageable—and even enjoyable! Also Read: Top 5 Super Foods to Increase Breastfeeding Returning to work after having a baby is never easy—but it can be especially challenging for breastfeeding mothers. With some advance planning and a supportive network in place, though, it is possible to successfully balance parenting and professional responsibilities. Stay positive and remember that you’re doing what’s best for both you and your baby! Going back to work after having a baby is tough enough—but if you’re breastfeeding, it can seem even harder. With a little bit of planning, though, it is possible to successfully breastfeed while working full-time. By expressing milk at regular intervals, storing milk safely, and pumping it during your commute, you can ensure that both you and your baby are happy and healthy. If you are looking for more baby care tips, then download the KidsCur App Now.

  3. Original Source Url : https://kidscur.com/blog/going-back-work-breastfeeding/ Thank You

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