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How to Win Back Customers Through Facebook Remarketing Campaigns by Kimberly Jean Fricke

Many people visit a website only to forget about it soon after they close the browser or hit the back button. The next time they remember they wanted to buy something online, they may not land on the same website to make their purchase. This is how businesses lose potential clients and valuable leads that could have converted to paying customers. Read More...<br>

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How to Win Back Customers Through Facebook Remarketing Campaigns by Kimberly Jean Fricke

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  1. How to Win Back Customers Through Facebook Remarketing Campaigns by Kimberly Jean Fricke Many people visit a website only to forget about it soon after they close the browser or hit the back button. The next time they remember they wanted to buy something online, they may not land on the same website to make their purchase. This is how businesses lose potential clients and valuable leads that could have converted to paying customers. Fortunately, sharply targeted Facebook remarketing campaigns can help businesses win back these customers. Let's see how this goes. Whenever someone visits your website, their browser remembers this action thanks to a special code known as a cookie. Browsers store these cookies in order to be more efficient when they serve web pages to the user. The next time this person will visit again that web page, the information will load much faster, due to the fact that the browser has already stored it in its internal memory. The same mechanisms helps Facebook and Google to know how to show particular ads to people who have visited certain web pages. It seems like magic, but it is only science walking hand in hand with advanced technology and with a strong desire to offer users exactly what they want, when they want it. Thanks to modern technology, media buying has become smarter than ever before. You can segment your target market by criteria you would have never guess being possible. If two or three decades ago, advertising could target consumers by demographic criteria only, today you can reach only people who are your best potential customers. If you sell hiking shoes, you'll be able to select only avid hikers to see your ads. Since people put their hobbies and their lifestyle preferences in Facebook, the platform knows which ones are the perfect match for your campaigns. Furthermore, Facebook already knows what other websites you've visited sing the same browser or the same mobile device. This is how they can adjust the ads they show you to match your online activity. You may have already noticed that as soon as you search for a certain type of product or service online, your Facebook feed and the sidebar are flooded with ads for the same product. This is nothing else than a remarketing strategy in action. Those merchants were sorry to see you leaving without buying anything, so they are determined to bring you back on their website to complete your purchase. Sometimes, these ads may even warn you that you have abandoned your shopping cart and invite you to do the checkout. A Facebook remarketing campaign will show your ads only to people who have visited your website before, thus increasing the chances that they come back to make that purchase. This is the reason why these campaigns have a very high conversion rate. Many of these people haven't bought the product just yet, so this reminder would come at the right time to remind them that they were searching for something. This is a fairly inexpensive way to win back customers.

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