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5 Cyber Security Mistakes Most Companies Make

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5 Cyber Security Mistakes Most Companies Make

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  1. 5 Cyber Security Mistakes Most Companies Make Everyone, not just information technology professionals, is responsible for cyber security. Individuals must be aware of their surroundings and their actions, just as they must be aware of their personal security. In terms of cyber security, there are a number of areas where businesses and employees fall short. These are not listed in any particular order of importance because they are all critical. Lack of training for staff We teach our children to look both ways before crossing the street, not to accept candy from strangers, and never to ride in a car with someone they don't know. This is common sense to all of us because we received the same education. The same principles apply to cyber security. Open attachments from unknown sources with caution. Avoid visiting websites that appear suspicious. Don't reveal your password to anyone. Businesses must ensure that all employees are educated on these and other fundamental cyber security concepts. Training should take place during new hire orientation, and annual or semi-annual reviews are recommended.

  2. Failure to limit/log access Who has access to what information? What IT Administrator made the changes to the directory structure? Who altered the permissions? Is it true that all employees have access to HR files? Is there anyone who shouldn't have access to financial records? Is there a log that shows who accessed what data? The majority of the answers to these questions will be "we don't know," which is a problem that must be acknowledged and addressed. Businesses must use built-in tools to log access and, if necessary, purchase third-party software for greater control and granularity. Tracking access not only prevents data breaches, but it also allows organisations to determine what happened when data loss occurs. Caring about corporate data Most employees are only concerned with their day-to-day tasks and are unconcerned about intellectual property at their workplace. Many employees are unaware of the importance of data to their company's success. It's extremely difficult to protect what truly matters to an organisation when we have a myopic focus on what's in front of us. Employees understand that financial and human resource records must be protected; however, this is insufficient. Staff must also be aware of core data that is critical to the company so that they can ensure and take appropriate action when dealing with that information and when dealing with others who are in charge of protecting that data. Understanding cyber threats Phishing. Spoof. Worm. The Trojan horse. Pharming. Hijacking attack With a few exceptions, these are all key terms in the cyber security world, and most people have no idea what they mean. Along with basic education, organisations should ensure that their employees understand what these attacks are and how to defend against them. Individuals are familiar with a number of terms and threats; it is the responsibility of businesses to help employees understand additional dangers.

  3. Common sense goes a long way, and by incorporating simple communication, businesses can ensure employees know what to look for and how to respond when problems arise. Spending money in the wrong areas, or not at all When it comes to spending money, businesses all too often focus on revenue generation opportunities and ROI. Companies must also take a defensive stance. This does not imply that they should only spend money on networking equipment and edge devices to protect their information assets; they must understand the scope of the threats and invest in a variety of areas. Firewalls, extranets, and intrusion detection systems are all good, but they only protect businesses from certain types of attacks. Businesses must take a comprehensive approach to cyber security and invest as needed. Cyber security is an investment that should be accounted for in the budgeting process. Everyone must take responsibility for cyber security. In today's world, where major data breaches seem to occur on a weekly basis, affecting millions of people, it's critical to pay attention and share responsibility for data protection. Companies will find greater security through education, logging, understanding corporate data, threat knowledge, and proper cyber security investments. When businesses have data protection, investors, employees, and customers have peace of mind and the assurance that their data is as secure as possible. The world’s changed, but so have the risks. Cybercrime is sophisticated— gone are the days of hooded hackers in coffee shops. Cyberattacks analyse your behaviours, assume your identity, and target your organisation at its most vulnerable state. With Kloudify’s help though, you’ll rest easy—we’re one of Australia’s leading cyber. To know more about Australian Cyber Security Companies and Unified Communications Australia visit us now.

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