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What is a Generic Viagra

we are all aware of the term 'Generic Viagra' which is nothing more than the brand name for sildenafil and is sold under its brand name in a number of countries worldwide. The generic version of Viagra treats problems associated with erectile dysfunction in males. In addition to sildenafil, there is Sildenafil citrate, the active ingredient in Viagra, a drug sold under the brand name.

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What is a Generic Viagra

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  1. What is a Generic Viagra? What is a Generic Viagra? we are all aware of the term 'Generic Viagra' which is nothing more than the brand name for sildenafil and is sold under its brand name in a number of countries worldwide. The generic version of Viagra treats problems associated with erectile dysfunction in males. In addition to sildenafil, there is Sildenafil citrate, the active ingredient in Viagra, a drug sold under the brand name. The primary purpose of sildenafil is to cure erectile dysfunction. Male impotence is currently treated as a routine practice in all situations, including diabetes. According to studies, sildenafil citrate can help those who are on antidepressants and are having sexual dysfunction as a side effect. It has been demonstrated that generic viagra works well to restore normal sexual function in both men and women. How Generic Viagra works To achieve an erection, Viagra induces blood flow to the penis by inhibiting phosphodiesterase 5. It does not improve sexual function, alleviate erectile dysfunction or prevent pregnancy. It is also not effective against sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV). In order to achieve maximum effectiveness, Viagra should be taken one hour before sexual activity, but it can be taken up to four hours beforehand. A single dose should not be taken for more than 24 hours at a time. Depending on your health condition, you may need to limit Viagra doses. The frequency at which you should take Viagra should be discussed with your doctor. You can buy generic viagra tablets online as they are readily available and very cheap. Side Effects of Sildenafil citrate The sexual stimulant Sildenafil most frequently causes headaches, flushing, dyspepsia, nasal congestion, and eyesight impairment. Sudden hearing loss, severe hypotension, stroke,

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