10 Finest Books That Will Inspire the Traveler Inside You
In the middle of your morning walk, daily commute occasional coffee break and gym session you probably dreamed about getting on an airplane and going somewhere, Aching for adventure and the promise of a life well lived. The thought of watching the sun set from the top of a camel, experiencing snowfall inside a cable car, playing a game of volleyball on the beach or simply exploring a new city in the rain has fascinated us all. We’ve all been there, longing to see the world beyond our reach, perhaps even ready to set off for the remote and distant corners of the globe or at least our country. Here is a list of some exciting reads that are introspective, imaginative, wild, reflective, and humorous. From journeys, adventures and road trips; one has rightly said books are one’s best companions. 1. Seven Years in Tibet By Heinrich Harrer 2. Endurance By Alfred Lansing 3. Born to Run By Christopher McDougall 4. Three Cups of Tea By Greg Mortenson 5. In the Heart of the Sea By Nathaniel Philbrick 6. The River of Doubt By Candice Millard 7. Ghost Train to the Eastern Star By Paul Theroux 8. Desert Solitaire By Edward Abbey 9. A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush By Eric Newby, Evelyn Waugh 10. In a Sunburned Country By Bill Bryson Call us: 0120-4127715, 91-7838984471 Mail us: care@365hops.com Likes FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/365hops Tweet US: https://www.twitter.com/365hops PIN it: http://www.pinterest.com/365hops G Profile: https://plus.google.com/ 365hopsIndia YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/user/365hops
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