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1. Participant Welfare (including Safeguarding Children)

1. Participant Welfare (including Safeguarding Children). 2. Participant Welfare Outcomes. Upon successful completion of the level 2 course, you will be able to;

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1. Participant Welfare (including Safeguarding Children)

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  1. 1. Participant Welfare (including Safeguarding Children)

  2. 2. Participant Welfare Outcomes Upon successful completion of the level 2 course, you will be able to; • Understand and teach the procedures that you would take following an allegation. This includes to receiving, recording and reporting allegations of abuse from an individual • Know where to find information on the ARA policies and procedures for good practice http://www.oara-rowing.org/Asp/uploadedFiles/File/Welfare/SafeguardingPolicyMar2007(WEB).pdf • Identify your club welfare officer

  3. 3. Participant Welfare; Types of abuse(Ben) Mixed 13% http://www.nspcc.org.uk/Inform/OnlineResources/Statistics/ChildProtectionRegisterStatistics/England_asp_ifega26430.html

  4. 4 Types of abuse - examples

  5. ! 5 Indicators of abuse; • Someone expresses concern • Someone alleges abuse has taken place • Physical abuse*; • Unexplained or suspicious injuries • An explanation that is inconsistent with the injuries • Sexual abuse • Inappropriate sexual awareness or behaviour 6Participant welfare case studies .pdf

  6. ! 6 Indicators of abuse; • These changes in behaviour could be indicators of any of the types of abuse: • Unexplained changes in behaviour • Distrust of adults • Difficulty in making friends • Variations in eating patterns • Losing weight for no reason • Becoming increasingly dirty or unkempt

  7. 7 Responding to indicators of abuse What steps would you take as a coach in response to indicators of abuse? • Receive • Record • Report

  8. Receiving evidence of abuseSlide 8 Key points • React calmly • Take what they say seriously • Reassure the individual that they are not to blame and that it was right of them to tell • Keep questions to a minimum, so that there is clear and accurate understanding • Reassure them, but never promise to keep the matter secret; explain that to resolve the problem, it will be necessary to inform other people

  9. 2. Recording informationSlide 9 Key points • Make a note as soon as possible of any information you obtain * • You can use an ARA Participant Welfare Incident Report form Find the report form in the booklet; Good Practice in Rowing; (Participant Welfare, Good Practice and Child Protection Policy and Procedures) Appendix 3; Incident report form Also available on the web http://www.oara-rowing.org/Asp/uploadedFiles/File/Welfare/SPCG5-FormRecordingConcerns.doc

  10. 3. Reporting informationSlide 10 Key points • Know your Club Welfare Officer • You can contact The Child Protection Officer of the ARA* for advice • Other agencies who can help; • Social Services and possibly Police • Physical or sexual abuse, or if danger to the individual • NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) for advice**

  11. 11 Why are new coaches checked? 'Would you drive five miles to a place you don't know, knock on a door, hand over your child to whoever answers, and leave them for a couple of hours?' Norman Brook, former athletics coach

  12. 12 ARA guidelines;Recruiting and selecting personnel to work with children and young people When employing coaches or others for positions that include significant access to young people: • Obtain information on their previous employment • Seek consent to check with the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) For guidance on how; see the Good Practice in Rowing booklet, also refer to the guidance available on the ARA website • Take up references from previous employer, e.g. previous club A volunteer reference form is available for this purpose in the Good Practice in Rowing booklet and on the ARA website

  13. 13 ARA Resources • Where can I find further information on the role of the Club Welfare Officer? • Good practice in rowing; participant welfare, good practice and child protection, policy and procedures (booklet) • Available online; www.ara-rowing.org • Where can I find further information on good practice, participant welfare and child protection in rowing • Participant welfare incident report form • Available online; • http://www.oara-rowing.org/Asp/uploadedFiles/File/Welfare/SPCG5-FormRecordingConcerns.doc • Amateur Rowing Association 6 Lower MallHammersmithLondon W6 9DJT: 020 8237 6700

  14. 14 Further contacts and sources of information • What other bodies can provide helpful information? • Criminal Records Bureau PO Box 91 Liverpool L69 2UH Helpline 0870 90 90 811 • www.crb.gov.uk • NSPCC - Child Protection in Sport Unit 3 Gilmour Close Beaumont Leys Leicester LE4 1EZ Tel: 0116 234 7200 • www.thecpsu.org.uk • www.sportprotects.org.uk

  15. 15 Further contacts continued • NSPCC Child Protection Helpline - 0808 800 5000(This provides free advice on a 24 hour basis to anyone concerned about child abuse) • NSPCC Childline - 0800 1111(This provides a free confidential counselling service for children to use) • Police and social services – Consult your telephone directory for the most relevant local numbers

  16. 16 ARA links Links on ARA site • http://www.oara-rowing.org/render.aspx?siteID=1&navIDs=1,45,276 Info on ARA site SPCGs [Safeguarding and Protecting Children Guidance Documents] Guess how many? http://www.oara-rowing.org/render.aspx?siteID=1&navIDs=1,45,265,1170

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