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The Conservative Counterrevolution in the Era of Reagan and Bush and The Policy Uncertainty of the Clinton Administration. Text: The Reluctant Welfare State By: Bruce Jansson Reporters: Chic Gunderson Loida ruane. Reagan Administration:1980-1988. Ascendancy of conservatism
The Conservative Counterrevolution in the Era of Reagan and BushandThe Policy Uncertainty of the Clinton Administration Text: The Reluctant Welfare State By: Bruce Jansson Reporters: Chic Gunderson Loida ruane
Reagan Administration:1980-1988 • Ascendancy of conservatism • Promoted the concept that social programs had not solved poverty • Did not favor social programs to aid the poor • Social spending was incompatible with economic growth • Did not support federal civil rights
Factors That Contributed to the Ascendancy of Conservatism • Declines strengths of Democrats • White backlash led to widespread opposition to affirmative action • Continuing shift of population to the suburbs • Maturing of war-baby generation
Legitimation of Conservatism • Conservative ideology emerged • Conservative think-tank established • National TV show: ”Firing Line” presented conservative views • Top positions in government given to conservatives • Criticism of intellectuals to Democratic Party and Great Society reform • Grassroots following within fundamentalist religious groups • Formation of New Religious-Political Right (NRPR)
The Triumph of Conservatism • Three themes of obsession of Reagan 1. Lower Taxes 2. Increase Defense 3. Social Spending Reduction
Lower Taxes • 1981: Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) - Reduced personal and corporate taxes • Tax reform in 1986 - Drastically reduced the tax rate of affluent Americans - Encourage economic activity *Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1981 - Deep tax cuts in social spending and increase in military spending.
Increase Defense • “We’re not building missiles to fight a war. We’re building missiles to preserve peace.” – Reagan OBRA of 1981 Defense budget: 1980 - $142B 1986 - $ 368b
Social Spending Reduction • Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) 1981 - Eliminated 57 social programs and folding them into 7 block grants - 1983: Social Security amendments increase retirement age and reduce some benefits - Steward Mckinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987: focus was on construction of shelters
Maintained defense a priority. Modest tax increase in 1990 Minimal increase in social spending Civil Rights Act of 1991: Anti-discrimination Act Rodney King case: forced Bush to provide allocation for inner-city programs Bush Administration: 1988 - 1992
Legacy of Reagan and Bush • $4.5 trillion federal debt • Deficit: Reagan $50B/yr while Bush had $352 B in 1992 • Economic situation of the poor worsened • Erosion of real value of paycheck • Over-all tax rates of the poor and working person increased • Many affluent Americans increased their wealth • Labor force was gender segregated.
Social Problems • Lack of medical insurance • Homelessness • AIDS • Growing economic inequality • Poor schools • Poverty in the inner cities • Family violence • Feminization of poverty • Gang warfare
Outgroups • People of Color • Immigrants • Gay men and lesbians • People with disabilities • Women • Children • Aging Americans • Homeless
Social Work Profession • Private practice • Advocacy
Clinton Administration: 1992 – 2000 • The Clinton Presidency: The first two years • 1992: Clinton won the election without a mandate - 3-way race, Perot siphoned votes - Tried to institute liberal policies. - Social investments - Health reforms and others - Resurgent Republican minority - Aligned with moderate and conservative Democrats - Americans tired of government gridlock - Made many errors in this period
1993 • Clinton announces tax increases and spending cuts • Places Hillary in charge of task force to develop health reform proposal • Family and Medical Leave Act enacted • Signs the Omnibus Reconciliation Bill, which cuts the deficit, raises taxes, and increases the EICT • Clinton presents ambitious plan to reform health care • North America Free Trade Agreement enacted • Federal policy on gays in the military is modified
1994 • Congress enacts legislation that makes it a federal crime to intimidate abortion clinic workers and clients by force or threat of force • Crime Bill enacted • Some republican leaders issue contract with America • Republicans obtain control of both Houses of Congress
The Third Year: The Newt Gingrich Era • 1994: victories of both Houses by conservative Republicans and their “Contract with America” • Clinton gave in to most of Republican budget demands • Spending cuts analogous to Reagan only Congress not President • Clinton successful in slowing down Newt’s agenda
1995 • Congress enacts Omnibus Reconciliation Act which seeks to eliminate the entitlement status of AFDC, Medicaid, and Food Stamps • Clinton vetoes Omnibus Reconciliation Act as well as specific appropriation bills • Government shuts down • Citizens blame Congress not President
1996 • Clinton wins reelection landslide over Dole • Budget stalemate between Clinton and Congress continues • Enactment of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities act • Domestic discretionary spending remained capped • Reelection helps Democrat regain seats • Welfare reform predicted to cause millions of children to fall deeper into poverty
1997 • Balanced Budget Act enacted with extension of caps on discretionary spending • Impeachment of Bill Clinton
1998 • Emergence of federal budget surpluses • Resignation of Newt Gingrich announced
Outgroups • Affirmative action • Immigrants • Children • Women • Gays and lesbians