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My Reflections After Attending Social Media Marketing World

The beauty of being at the conference without trying to share it with the world is that I was able to be present. I approached Social Media Marketing World in a non-traditional way, and share my experiences and reflections here with you.

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My Reflections After Attending Social Media Marketing World

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Reflections After Attending Social Media Marketing World WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  2. Being present is better than trying to be everywhere else. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  3. Embrace the moment. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  4. Embrace the moment. Focus on coversations. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  5. Embrace the moment. Focus on coversations. Look into the eyes of the people you speak with. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  6. Embrace the moment. Focus on coversations. Look into the eyes of the people you speak with. Show people that what they are saying are important to you. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  7. Don't know where to start? STOP STRUGGLING START PLANNING Get Your FREE RESOURCE here: BLOG CONTENT  calendar spreadsheet or you can go to WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM/SPREADSHEET

  8. Planning and goal-setting makes a HUGE difference. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  9. Going deep is better than casting a wide net. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  10. Nurture a few key relationships in a deep way WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  11. GOALS It's important to have a vision. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  12. GOALS Pay attention to the details that align with your vision. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  13. It's essential to build a team. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  14. Visuals are more important than ever. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  15. Don't know where to start? STOP STRUGGLING START PLANNING Get Your FREE RESOURCE here: BLOG CONTENT  calendar spreadsheet or you can go to WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM/SPREADSHEET

  16. Video, video, video (especially live). WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM

  17. Messenger bots are the next big thing. WWW.BECOMEABLOGGER.COM


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