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How to Help Children with Social Anxiety?

First of all let us address the question of u201cWhat is Social Anxiety?u201d. Social anxiety is the difficulty of children, could be as young as 4 years, upon interacting with others, which makes them shy and obedient in classes, reluctant to join any class groups and most frequently avoiding any social gatherings or situations.<br>It is not that easy to notice social anxiety in children, as most parents or teachers often label them as u201csilent type of boy/girlu201d who is just shy to talk to others.<br>Let it be shyness or fear or anxieties, it must be seriously looked upon for the child to have a good social life ahead. One of the best ways to address these issues is group therapy, where kids meet other children of the same age with similar issues and fosters a friendship via sharing and helping each other.

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How to Help Children with Social Anxiety?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Howto Help Children withSocial Anxiety?

  2. Firstofallletusaddressthequestion of “WhatisSocialAnxiety?”. Socialanxietyisthedifficultyof children, couldbeasyoungas4 years, uponinteractingwithothers, whichmakesthemshyandobedient inclasses, reluctanttojoinanyclass groupsandmostfrequentlyavoiding anysocialgatheringsorsituations.

  3. Itisnotthateasytonoticesocial anxietyinchildren, asmostparentsor teachersoftenlabelthemas “silent typeofboy/girl” whoisjustshyto talktoothers. Letitbeshynessorfearoranxieties, itmustbeseriouslylookeduponfor thechildtohaveagoodsociallife ahead. Oneofthebestwaystoaddressthese issuesisgrouptherapy, wherekids meetotherchildrenofthesameage withsimilarissuesandfostersa friendshipviasharingandhelping eachother.

  4. Oneofthebestwaystoaddressthese issuesisgrouptherapy, wherekids meetotherchildrenofthesameage withsimilarissuesandfostersa friendshipviasharingandhelping eachother. Therearewaystopromoteand encouragethesekidsathomeand schoolroomsorsocialsetup. Letushavealookathow.

  5. Groomthechildfor “detectivethinking”, if thechildisafraidof beinglaughedatwhile answering question,makethemask “Howtobesureof getting laughed “HowdoIknow? Maybe theywon’t.” 02 AtHome a Prepareyourchildfor socialsituationstheyare worriedabout. Actthem outasapracticesothat thechildknowshowto behavewhenthereal situationcomesin. 01 at?”

  6. AtHome Tellstoriesaboutthe times when anxiousandhowyou tackledthefear. This helpsinmakingthemfeel thatyoucanunderstand andsupportthemintheir troubles. 04 you felt Tellstoriesaboutthe times when anxiousandhowyou tackledthefear. This helpsinmakingthem feel that understandandsupport themintheirtroubles. 03 you felt you can

  7. At School or Other Social Setup Encouragechildrentojoinsocial groups and interact children, otherwisethesituationgets worsebythepassingofyears. with other Don’t somethinginfrontofothers. This would make them uncomfortable, theyneedtimeand agentleencouragementisalways therightway. force the child to do even more

  8. Trynottospeakorcoverforyour child, asiftheywillmakethesituation embarrassing. Asituationlikethat woulddeeplycutthroughthekids mindthatwillleadtolonglasting effects. Informthechild’steachersorschool authoritiessothatthechildwould besurroundedbypeoplewhowould giveconstantcareandsupportto thechild.

  9. Trynottospeakorcoverforyour child, asiftheywillmakethesituation embarrassing. Asituationlikethat woulddeeplycutthroughthekids mindthatwillleadtolonglasting effects. Informthechild’steachersorschool authoritiessothatthechildwould besurroundedbypeoplewhowould giveconstantcareandsupportto thechild.

  10. Conclusion Thesearesomeofthethingsparentsandothers candotohelpthechildovercomesocial anxietyandminglewiththesocietylikeany othersdo. Ifthechildgetsdifficultyininteractingwith otherkidsatschool, whoarevibrantandoften avoidthechildduetohisorhershynessandin activeness, itisalwaysbettertosendthechild togrouptherapycentersinUAEoranyother place. Becausehere, childrenwillhavetheopportunity tominglewithotherchildrenofsimilarissues underthecareofawellqualifiedtherapist, who willbeleadingthegroupsessionsgiving activitiesandexercises. Itisindeedgoodfor thebettermentofyourchild’ssituation.

  11. THANKYOU Presented By, Group Therapy Center UAE

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