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Facilitation / Debriefing Experiences at Glengarry. The Change Process & Our Students. Educational Programming.
Educational Programming • Educational Programming: is aimed at understanding concepts, enriching the knowledge of old concepts or generating an awareness of previously unknown needs through adventure. Educational programming changes the way people think, by allowing them to see things in life from a fresh perspective. They gain new attitudes and transfer these attitudes to the way they conceptualise daily life. An example might be demonstrating the impact of a new way to solve problems.
Developmental Programming • Developmental Programming: is aimed at improving functional behaviours and training people to behave in new and different ways. Developmental programs change the way people behave, by showing them successful ways to interact on their own or with others. These new behaviours are transferred to other life situations. An example might be learning new positive ways to trust and communicate with each other, or learning new ways to cope with the high pressures of sporting competition.
Promoting Change & Transfer Of Learning Letting the experience speak for itself. "Learning and doing" ie. here the participants just have a good time making their own meaning out of the experience. Speaking for the experience. "Learning by telling" ie where the facilitator tells the students what they have learnt and what they can improve. Debriefing the experience. "Learning through reflection" ie. participants reflect on their experience and through guidance from carefully designed questions bring up points and issues for open discussion in the group. Frontloading the experience. "Direction with reflection" ie key learning points are given before the experience occurs guiding participants in the direction of important issues. The debrief process at the end simply looks at the success or failure of these key points. Framing the experience. “Reinforcement in reflection” ie the adventure experience is put together in such a way that it is a “metaphor”, or a mirror image of reality for the participants. If learning and change can occur in the adventure experience, then all that is required is for the participants to implement these same changes back in their normal lives.
The Debriefing Filter: Questioning Techniques to focus the learner • Using a questioning technique that funnels the reflection process can help guide student’s learning so that the experience has a connection that can enhance aspects of their life! Experiences Review Recall Remember What was the effect, how did it affect you? Can you sum up what you learnt? Can you apply this to your life? What will you differently next time?
Edgework: • Look for moments that has students at the “edge” of their comfort zones. • Providing assistance to break through in to new territory opens up “Realms of New Possibilities”
Mark Hassell finds Chick that Digs Him! Newspaper Headlines • Students get a piece of paper each and pencils or textas. They use these to produce a front page of a newspaper about the week/trip/activity. • Share with the group • Use Funnelling questioning to uncover learning!
Pile Of Junk Debrief • Students are asked to go to their packs and retrieve a selection of items that they add to a pile of junk in the middle of the circle: they then choose an object to describe the way they are feeling, the way the trip has made them feel, what they have learned on the trip, etc. • Share with the group
Picture Debrief • Place a pile of pictures in the middle of a circle. Members of the group are asked to take a picture that represents the trip for them. • Share with the group. • Use digital slide show during pastoral care time maybe a way to focus learning!
Drama Skit Debrief • Divide the students into pairs or triads. • Students present a drama representing the trip for them to the rest of the group. • Ready to use funnelling questions to focus learning.
Colour Object Debrief • Students collect a colour from a pile in the centre of the circle (Paint colour charts from any paint shop or smarties or jelly beans) to represent the answer to questions. How are you feeling at the moment? How did you feel when…? • This activity can also be used as an enviro game where students collect items from the natural environment that match the colours on the card.
Finger Shoot • Rate how you went during ……… today. • Problem focussed facilitation… What led to you acting in this way. • Solution Focussed facilitation… For those of you who scored a 2 out of 5, what would you do next time to score a higher score?
Activities To Promote Group Fun & Learning • Lets go to the following website: http://www.wilderdom.com/games/ • Save this site to your internet favourites • In groups of 3 you are to choose an activity that we could use to have fun, get to know each other better, helps us break the ice among new staff. • For you old salts in the group, you have to choose a game that you have never seen done before • You will then present this to the group