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Interoperable Communication-Based Signaling (CBS) Overview

February 11, 2009 Bill Petit www.billpetit.com. Interoperable Communication-Based Signaling (CBS) Overview . Purpose of Presentation. Provide PTC Working Group with an overview of Communication-Based Signaling project which includes

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Interoperable Communication-Based Signaling (CBS) Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. February 11, 2009 Bill Petit www.billpetit.com Interoperable Communication-Based Signaling (CBS)Overview

  2. Purpose of Presentation • Provide PTC Working Group with an overview of Communication-Based Signaling project which includes • AREMA effort to include interoperability guidelines for CBS in Manual of Recommended Practices for Signaling • FRA funded Demonstration Project

  3. Topics • Birds Eye View • Why we did it, What we set out to do, What we did • System Architecture • Signal Based Architecture • PTC Operation • Compatibility with ACSES • Interoperability • Background • AREMA Manual Parts and Status • Demonstration Project

  4. Why We Did It • Roundtable discussions of railroad Signal Engineers at 2005 AREMA C&S Technical Conference generated request for interoperability guidelines for radio-based cab signal systems.

  5. What we set out to do • Define Interoperability for a PTC system based on signaling principles • Complete vital system providing stand-alone ability to set and protect routes, deliver onboard authorities in terms of aspects instead of text authorities, enforce onboard authorities including predictive braking. • Focus on train control • Work with interoperable comms system per RESC • Basic system defined with ability to add additional functionality as needed.

  6. What we did • Alstom, US&S, GETS and Safetran agreed to and helped publish architecture and interoperability recommended practices through a Professional Industry Association (AREMA) • AREMA consists of suppliers, railroads, consultants and regulators • Available to anyone interested • Through FRA and Private (supplier) funding • Defined Test Layout to incorporate multiple suppliers • Developed Communications Router and Simulators for Test Environment • Replaced simulators with suppliers equipment • Suggested Recommended Updates to AREMA Manual Parts based on testing results

  7. What we didn't do • Focused on Interoperability and Architecture and not the following: • Standard ADU • Standard Location Determination System • Compatible with GPS and / or Transponders • Braking Algorithm • Compatible with freight algorithms currently under development by RR's as well as IEEE recommended practices for transit • Specific Communication system • Able to use variety of available systems • CAD • Train order or cTc dispatching

  8. System Architecture

  9. CBS Architecture • Uses Signaling-Based Architecture • Equivalent to cab signal architecture with onboard database allowing profile stops for civil and temporary speed restrictions, positive stops, etc. • Use of alternate technologies (e.g. data radio and position location systems) to allow safety of signaling principles to be applied at substantially lower cost • Can be applied across all aspects of current operations from train orders to ATC. • Multiple aspects and shorter virtual blocks allowed increased operational efficiency

  10. What is CBS? • Why This Architecture? • Allows use of safety principles developed over multiple decades of signaling experience • Allows designs to be based on existing vital systems currently proven in revenue service (e.g. processor-based interlocking controllers, processor-based onboard systems) • Systems based on this architecture have been accepted for revenue service with enhanced operational capabilities (e.g. ACSES, ITCS) • Avoids complexity of vital track warrant systems with complex rules and display of onboard text authorities

  11. Defined CBS Architecture Form Translator Computer Aided Dispatch Station (CAD) Signal Logic Processor (SLP) Data communications network Wayside Interface Unit and Physical Appliances (WA) Onboard Logic Processor (OBLP) To Train equipment

  12. Control Office (CAD) Existing cTc Territory Controls and Indications (non-vital) Wayside Bungalow Cab Signal sent through rails

  13. Control Office (CAD) CBS Controls and Indications (non-vital) Proceed Aspect (vital) Occupying Block RRR.LLL.123456 (vital) Set Switch Normal Profile Calculation to next change point (vital) Switch Locked Normal

  14. Control Office (CAD) CBS Controls and Indications (non-vital) Local RF Coverage Local RF Coverage

  15. Compatibility with ACSES • Similar Architectures • Current ACSES uses rail-based cab instead of radio based cab • Current ACSES uses databases uploaded from transponders rather than onboard database • Future Amtrak plans for onboard database • Formats are generally similar • Use of ATCS addressing and datagrams for temporary speed restrictions and positive stop override


  17. Background • 6 Manual Parts approved for 2009 AREMA Manual of C&S Recommended Practices

  18. Section 23.2 • 23.2.1 Recommended Functional Requirements of a CBS System. • Define the recommended system functional requirements. • 23.2.2 Recommended RAMS, Environmental and Other Requirements for Signaling Systems Using CBS Architecture. • Define the recommended reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS), environmental, electromagnetic compatibility, and quality assurance requirements.

  19. Section 23.3 • 23.3.1 Recommended Design Guidelines for a CBS System • Define the recommended system architecture and interfaces based on conventional signaling principles.

  20. Section 23.4 • 23.4.1 Recommended Communications Protocols for a CBS system • Define the recommended system communication protocol (based on ATCS addressing and datagram) • Capable of being transported over a variety of communications channels (e.g. IP, ITP) • 23.4.2 Recommended Communications Messages for a CBS System • Define the recommended standard messages for communications between CBS subsystems

  21. Section 23.5 • 23.5.1 Recommended Onboard Database Guidelines for a CBS system • Define the recommended structure and content of the onboard database

  22. Interoperability Demo

  23. Project Administration • Funded (partially) by FRA Office of RR Development • Administered through Railroad Research Foundation through a Cooperative Agreement with FRA

  24. Project Administration • Railroad Research Foundation subcontracts for • Project Management – Bill Petit (www.billpetit.com) • Test Environment – Critical Link (www.criticallink.com) • Participating suppliers • Alstom • GETS Global Signaling • Safetran Systems • Union Switch & Signal

  25. Project Goals • Demonstrate overall architecture and interoperablity through adherence to AREMA Manual Parts (and suggest modifications as needed) • Cooperate with other groups (e.g. AAR Railway Electronics Standards Committee) • Part of pathway towards fully interoperable systems

  26. Basic Territory for each supplier to simulate

  27. Overall Territory with Each Supplier covering One Section GETS Safetran US&S Alstom

  28. Representation of Overall Test Layout

  29. Representation of Overall Test Layout

  30. Representation of Overall Test Layout

  31. Representation of Overall Test Layout

  32. Representation of Overall Test Layout

  33. Representation of Overall Test Layout

  34. Representation of Overall Test Layout

  35. Representation of Overall Test Layout

  36. Demonstration Videos • Control / Monitoring of power switches • Control of Alstom switches from US&S Office over non-vital code line, CBS messages and 3rd party communications router

  37. Demonstration Videos • Alstom OBLP operating on GETS territory • Upgrade / Downgrade of Cab Signal • Overspeed / Profile Stop • Clear for following move • Alstom OBLP crossing territory into SSC territory and clearing GETS territory behind it

  38. Demonstration Videos • US&S OBLP on Safetran territory • Degraded signal when switch forced out of correspondence • US&S OBLP on Alstom territory • Onboard information received as switch and signal status changed in front of it.

  39. Bill.Petit@ieee.org Questions / Comments ?(Backup details available at www.billpetit.com/icbs.html)

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