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What is an O-Ring and how is it used?

The most commonly used seals in the manufacturing world are o-rings. Different materials and specifications are there for different applications. At Lusida Rubber Products, every tiny detail is taken care of during production.

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What is an O-Ring and how is it used?

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  1. What is an O-Ring and how is it used?

  2. Every kind of manufacturing industry requires a seal for its items that is reliable enough and serves the purpose along with meeting the standards and specifications. The most commonly used seals in the manufacturing world are o-rings. They are easy to install, are not costly and do their job of sealing perfectly. O-ring seals are usually of two types: static and dynamic. The one that requires more amount of work on the design and material sourcing part is the dynamic seal. Such seals are used for hydraulic cylinders and actuators. The basis of selecting o-rings includes the following: Quality Quantity Price Chemical compatibility Application temperature Sealing pressure

  3. The materials used to make it are wide and varied along with the sizes. There are more than thousands of sizes and specifications. For instance, in order to be used in military or aerospace the o-ring specifications are different from those meant for other purposes such as food processing, drinking water and pharmaceuticals. The materials that are used most commonly to make o-rings are the following: Nitrile Ethylene-Propylene Silicone Cast Polyurethane Neoprene® / CR Fluorocarbon Fluorosilicone

  4. Different materials are used for different applications. All the requirements are met at Lusida Rubber Products and every tiny detail is taken into account during the manufacture of o-rings. The most commonly used seals in the manufacturing world are o-rings. Different materials and specifications are there for different applications. At Lusida Rubber Products, every tiny detail is taken care of during production.

  5. Thank you… Address: 3505 Hart Ave, Ste. 207 Rosemead, CA 91770 Website: http://lusidarubber.com/ Phone: (626)351-1111 Fax: (626)351-1130 E-mail: info@lusidarubber.com

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