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WEBSERVICES\API How to reuse the fields and methods of parent class Overriding fields and methods of parent class Usage of super keyword Usage of this keyword Introduction What is automation testing When to go for Automation Advantages of Automation Difference between Manual Testing & Automation Testing Process Importance of Automation in AGILE Process Understanding of Test PYRAMID in Automation Interfaces What is Interface? Difference between class and interface When to use Interfaces and Abstract class Configuring Eclipse IDE for Java How to Create new java project How to create a new java class Running java class Viewing the results of java program Encapsulation and abstraction What is hiding data? Using access specifiers public, private, protected, default Accessing the public methods outside the class Difference in accessing in same package / different package Core Java Concepts Introduction to Java programming Data Types in Java Primitive Data types Wrapper Classes Declaring Variables Writing java program and running Package What is package? How to create a package How to import package into a different class Object Oriented Programming Class What is class What are fields and methods How to create object for the class How to access fields and methods in the class Constructors What is abstract, final class Conditional Statements If condition If else condition If else if condition (nested if) Switch case statement Examples for all the above conditions Loop Statements While loop Do while For loop For each loop Examples for all the above loops Polymorphism What is polymorphism? Method overloading Constructor overloading Passing arguments to methods Calling methods in the class Exception handling What are exceptions? Differences between Checked and Unchecked exceptions Types of Exceptions How to handle exceptions in the program Inheritance Why to do Inheritance
Usage of try, catch and finally blocks Usage of throws and Throw Understanding Debug Using Breakpoints Verify the values during debug Using step over, step into Collection Frame work in Java Overview of Data structures Overview of Collection Difference between Collection sub interfaces and Utility Classes Usage of List, Set and Queue interfaces Difference between Array List Linked List etc. Difference between Hash Set, Tree Set etc. Examples for all the above Collections Test NG What is TestNG? TestNG annotations and examples Create TestNG.xml file Integrate the Webservices Scripts and Run from TestNG Reporting Results & Analyze Map in Java Overview of Map Interface and utility classes such as Hash Map and Tree Map. Difference between Collection and Map Usage of Map interface Maven Build Tool Overview of Build Tools Types of Build Tools Importance of Build Tools in real time Advantages Maven Build Tool Installing Maven in Machine Creating Maven Project Importing Maven Project in Eclipse Project Management with Maven Dependency Management with Maven Build Management with Maven Overview Maven Central Repository Understanding of POM .xml Maven Integration with TestNG Executing Scripts Using Maven build tool Array in Java Difference between Collection and Array How to declare one dimensional and two dimensional arrays How to store values in array Reading values in array POJO Classes in Java Overview of POJO Classes\Domain Objects Examples of POJO Classes Rules of POJO Classes Understanding Setters and Getters in Java Importance of overriding EQUALS in Java Automation Frame Work What is a Framework? Types of Frameworks Modular framework Data Driven framework Keyword driven framework Hybrid framework Use of Framework How develop the framework How execute the scripts from framework Web Services Concepts What are Web services? SOAP Protocol Explanation Advantages and Disadvantages of SOAP REST Protocol Explanation Advantages and Disadvantages of REST Challenges in API\Webservices testing Data Driven Testing What is Data Driven Testing How to parameterize the data to the script using XML Reading data from Json and store into POJO Class REST API TESTING REST API Basics and Terminology Introduction to REST API Debug Scripts in Eclipse
Understanding how REST API architecture works What is BaseURL URI and Resources in REST API? Understanding GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc. requests What are headers and cookies in rest request? Understanding how to create request Detail explanation about response Detail explanation about Status codes 1XX, 2XX,3XX etc. Automation Reports and Logs Importance of Reporting in Test automation Different types of Reports and Logs Creation of HTML Report using Test NG Print Logs using Log4j Advanced HTML reports creation using Extent report Version Control Tools Overview Version Control Tools Importance of Version Control Tool Git Tool Setup in Machine Hosting Automation project in Git Hub Integration of Git Hub Project with Jenkins JSON Overview JSON creation explanation JSON supported data types JSON reading and storing in Java classes Automation Utilities for Parsing the Json Files using GSON\JACKSON API\Webservices manual test through POST MAN Tool: Introduction of Postman tool Installation of postman tool Difference between Standalone and Chrome extension Execution of requests and Validation responses with POSTMAN API\Webservices Automation through Rest assured Tool Introduction of Rest Assured tool Difference between HTTP client and Rest Assured Tool Rest Assured tool integration with JAVA project Automation of GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests Examples on validating response headers and status codes Optimizing the scripts by centralizing the data Jenkins Integration with Webservices project Overview of CI Tools Introduction about Jenkins Tool Introduction about Continuous integration Installing Jenkins tool Creating Jobs in Jenkins tool Scheduling Jobs for timely Execution Integration with Webservice Scripts and Running Scripts Configure mail notification in Jenkins